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Doctor Alto Clef

Doctor Alto Clef (a.k.a. Undesirable to all things living)

The genre-savvy and enigmatic "Dr. Alto Clef" maintains that its true name is that of an A major chord played on a ukelele, which it carries around with it at all times should other entities wish to address it by name. It has recieved its current nickname due to its habit of signing reports with a hand-drawn Alto Clef symbol. Although apparently competent at its job, its acerbic attitude and habit of annoying its coworkers by walking around minimal security areas with unfurled cinnamon rolls stuck in its nose has gained it the enmity of several of its coworkers.   A. Clef's true face cannot be clearly photographed by any known means (see above), but appears to have a sizable nose and a large grin resembling that of Felis cheshiricus, the only known specimen of which was captured by [DATA EXPUNGED] during Operation Liddell. It has one green eye, one blue eye, and one hazel eye, both of which appear to have pupils which absorb all light falling upon it. The entity is known to be an inveterate liar regarding all things save SCP-related issues, and thus, should not be trusted by anyone.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The majority of his weight is attributed to his muscles, as his physical frame is rather average.

Facial Features

When seen directly Clef appears to sport a long and pointed nose, thin lips and low cheek bones. His cheeks are full and, even when he's not smiling, his expression reads that of amusement.

Identifying Characteristics

His large grin he tends to carry with him as well as his third eye on the top of his head.

Physical quirks

When he walks he can sometimes be seen waddling. No one knows why. He switches between saying it's scoliosis and that "he's practicing his batman penguin impression".

Special abilities

Clef has the ability to bend reality (and also doubles as a reality anchor). He also is extremely skilled in killing both anomalous and non-anomalous entities.

Apparel & Accessories

You'll never catch him without his tan fedora, his red and white hawaiian shirt and his black sandals.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A█████ H████ C███ first came to the attention of the Foundation after publishing a seminal research paper, "On the use of Human Semen to ████ ███████ ██ █████ █████████," which resulted in his expulsion from ██████████ University's Biology department, having already been on probation for complaints rising from his psychology study, "On the Comparative Sensitivity of the Human Female Nipple in Laboratory and Field Conditions, upon Aware and Unaware Subjects." The paper in question referred to a ██████ ████████ with traits resembling those of an existing SCP, resulting in the Foundation contacting the individual in order to establish his security risk. It is not clear how A█████ H████ C███ managed to ingratiate himself with the investigating agent enough to convince her to offer him a job with the Foundation, as the individual has a slimy personality that causes all females within ██ ██████ to instinctively recoil in horror, clutching their ███████ protectively. However, his acquisition came with the retrieval of SCP-447, which has proven remarkably useful to the Foundation despite special containment requirements keeping it away from dead bodies.   During the SCP-239 Incident, Dr. Clef displayed remarkable aptitude in penetrating Foundation defenses in an attempt to terminate the aforementioned SCP. Although he sustained severe injuries during and after this incident at the hands of Dr. Kondraki, his actions prompted a closer look at his past, especially in regards to possible links to a GOC operative known as "Ukelele Man."

Gender Identity

His gender doesn't exist in this world, so he sometimes says, so he claims to be a male leaning non-binary.


He's extremely pansexual.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Having earned a reputation for swift, elegant, and surgically precise terminations of dangerous SCPs, the Overseer Council has recently agreed to promote Dr. Clef to the head of the Department of Training and Development, in charge of training response teams and field agents. He was doubly promoted to site director after the previous one died in .

Failures & Embarrassments

His failed attempt at the execution of SCP-239, having been stopped by Dr. Kondraki.

Morality & Philosophy

"If I can shoot it with a gun and it stops bugging me then that's the obvious answer."

Personality Characteristics


Despite what you may think, he doesn't stink.

A ukulele loving disaster of a man who's both the site director and department head of the division of training and development.

Character Location
Current Location
SITE - 747
View Character Profile
Lawful Evil
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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