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Juicebox – when brought upon into this dimension, they had no occurring memory or knowledge about anything. They had simply manifested from the creative thoughts of a boy some universe elsewhere. They had chosen this name for themselves, as a simple juice box was one of the first objects they've seen and learned off, and had grown an attachment to it. Forever stuck in the body of a 12 year old. They have no sense of direction, and love putting stickers and bandaids on themselves.   [ definitely did not project the autism onto them /hj ]

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slim and tiny physique.

Body Features

Freckles spread around its body, mainly on the shoulders/chest, arms, and legs.

Facial Features

Freckles (again), and the noticeable eyebags. Heterochromatic eyes, one yellow and one black. Slightly pointed ears.

Identifying Characteristics

His hair, eyes, and stickers!

Special abilities

String Manipulation [ In the color of blue ] Enhanced Speed Cold Resistance [ Not 100% immune ]

Apparel & Accessories

Has various stickers and occassional bandaids all over their face, arms, and legs. Has piercings on both ears, but does not always wear earrings.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



That is a child. /hj


Little to none. Still has an understanding of basic math, reading, writing, and spelling.


SCP-Containment-Class: Thaumiel SCP-Disruption-Class: Vlam SCP-Risk-Class: Caution

Intellectual Characteristics

Strongly emotionally intelligent – they are easily able to read the emotions and situations of people even with only little details, and to see people as for who they truly are; even behind facades and in despite of the opinions of others.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Loves stickers and bandaids, and the stars. Sweet food is to their liking, will prefer it over anything if possible. They also enjoy things that may appear childlike, or other similar objects like sensory swings, plushies, and fuzzy things.   However, they hate loud people or anything that is overly loud the most. Does not like overly hot areas / weather, just the overall tempurature. Also hates spiders – fears them greatly in fact and will pass out when in contact with one.

Vices & Personality flaws

Absolutely terrible at directions, do not ever let them lead you somewhere or ask them for directions – you are guranteed to get lost (with them). Is unsure and lacking when it comes to self-care, and requires guidance. He may be considered "abnormal" in a normal society.

Personality Quirks

Sensory craving as seen with their usage of stickers. Is mostly quietly, yes they are capable of talking but choose not to, but is very non-verbal. Their actions speaks for themselves – literally.


Had to be taught how to clean himself. Somehow manages and smells like...stars?


Family Ties


Religious Views

Agnostic atheist

Social Aptitude

Non-verbal /pos


Although rarely speaks, his way of talking is usually simplified and short, but still gets the point across. His tone is mostly, if not always, monotone and void of emotion. [ Reference Qiqi from Genshin Impact ]   e.g. Person: "How was today's food?" Juicebox: "Was okay. I prefer something else."

[ WIP PROFILE ] autism

View Character Profile
True neutral
12 [ Mentally 8-10 ]
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Site 747
Agender [ They / Its / Him ]
Heterochromatic [ Yellow left pupil, black right pupil ]
Two-toned [ White upper, black lower ]
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Naturally tanned
139 cm [ 4'7" ]
32 kg [ 70 lbs ]
Known Languages

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