Dr. Bright / S.C.P.-963

Name: Dr. Jack Bright also answers to Doc, Dr. J, or "Oh god no."   Security Clearance Level: Level █. In lieu of recent events, Dr. Bright has been promoted to Personnel Director for sites 17, 19, and 63. But not Site 12. Never site 12. We do not talk of Site 12. There is no Site 12. There was never a Site 12. God save our souls.   Profession: Researcher, Mad Scientist, Foundation Bookie   Location: Wherever Needed.   History: Rose to the top of his field in bioengineering and abnormal genetics. Got recruited by the Foundation when they picked up his younger brother, SCP-590. Given SCP-963 to work with. Died. Came back. Has since been instrumental in work with several SCPs, and assisted in the refinement of many more.


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