Dr. Kondraki

Name: Dr. ████████ Kondraki   Security Clearance: Level 4   Occupation: Field Researcher, Photographer, Head of Research for Site 17, Administrator.   Site of Operations: Site 17 (when not out in the field)   Profile: Gruff, succinct, and not a fan of lab coats, Dr. Kondraki is an SCP Researcher working at Site 17, employed both as a scientist and a photographer for the Foundation. When not on assignment at Site 17, he usually toils away his time researching new optical technology and upgrading his camera. Despite no previous schooling in either field of knowledge, he seems to be doing well for himself. Some have regarded him as anti-social, and he has admitted that despite having worked at Site 17 for 5 years now, he can’t recall the name of a single co-worker. He has however expressed interest in working with SCP-105 and her abilities, approval of which is under consideration. Dr. Kondraki has been observed to hold long conversations with SCP-408 as well, but since █-██-████ the latter has seemingly ceased visual communication with the former. Alongside photography, his interests include fencing, writing, and classical music, which he regards as "the only kind worth listening to". In his time at the Foundation, Dr. Kondraki has been a fervent supporter of SCP weaponization, and has spearheaded the development of 33 types of weaponry utilizing SCP object resources. While he claims that his motivation is simply a practical application of his research, it's more likely due to the ease in which he becomes bored.   History: Dr. Kondraki signed on with the Foundation at the age of 35, joining as a low level researcher with little prospect of promotion. However, his finesse with a camera was quickly noticed, and since then he has become an avid photographer. Much of his time is spent accompanying agents out into the field, and photographically documenting new finds. After the discovery and containment of SCP-408, Dr. Kondraki was promoted to Level 3 Clearance, and is currently the head of research for SCP-408. Recently, he was commissioned to begin photographicly recording various SCP's, including several which are imperceivable to the human eye. Currently, he is working on [DATA EXPUNGED]. Until further notice, Dr. Kondraki will be stationed at Site 17.


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