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Aasimars also called Apoths and Mutants are said to be the modern-day descendants of the gods from the Apoth Pantheon, despite the deities being widespread sometime 200 years ago the Aasimars are a rare site to see among the wastes of the world, being mostly concentrated in the American wastes. Aasimars are usually only created when two other Aasimars have a child together, however, it is not unheard of for an Aasimar to accidentally infect a developing organism making them an Aasimar as well. 

  All Aasimars are born with two primal instincts, the first being to Thrive, most Aasimars describe hearing the exact word upon awakening their abilities. The second primal instinct is for an Aasimar to undergo the process of Apotheosis, even if the Aasimar is not part of the Apoth religion, to them it is more of a second-nature feeling of a want for more power than they currently have, this can lead Aasimar's to be on either spectrum of the alignment chart, though most will lean more towards good if they grow up in their own community. 



Aasimar's appearance varies greatly among subjects though there are some universals and commonalities shared among Aasimars, the first being that most Aasimars appear humanoid in some capacity though they usually also have some key features to them that aren't humanoid such as tails, wings, or even extra sets of limbs. Another universal among these creatures is some sort of bioluminescence, this can be as small as their eyes, or take the form of completely new organs, most Himanoid Aasimars will have glowing blue markings that mimic parts of their vein structure however.


Aasimar Species

Aasimars have been divided into four classes by the Patriots that are used by the wider anomalous community in the Wastes to classify and describe them.

  Class Mortal. Mortal Class Aasimars are individuals who are Aasimars but have nor awoken their abilities yet, making them almost identical to their original species. 

  Class Demi. Demi Class Aasimars are individuals who have awoken their abilities but still retain an almost completely human form, the most divergent of this class of Aasimars will have minor additional organs such as tails or sclaes

  Class Olympus. Olympus class Aasimars are Aasimars that still have some humanoid form but have diverged far more usual humanoid anatomy, usually having extra pairs of limbs, extra spike-like organs, or even parts of their bodies being completely disconnected from one another yet still functioning to list a few.

  Class Apothis. Apothis Class are not considered Aasimars anymore but are considered gods of the Apoth Pantheon their bodies not being humanoid and usually being giant non-euclidian structures, currently no known Apothis class Aasimars have been identified in the American wastes.



Like Crimson Kin Aasimars have a variety of abilities, usually having some form of thaumaturgical abilities unlike the Crimson Kins reality bending. These Abilities range from transforming into a powerful Thaumaturgical form to the ability to conjure a variety of weapons. 

  Due to their nature, most Aasimars make adept sorcerers and wizards coincide with their magically originated abilities however Aasimars have been known to fill other roles based on their mutations. Another common role for them is to become Clerics to the Apoth pantheon their ancestors originated from in an attempt to undergo Apotheosis. 



Aasimars are largely accepted into societies, their divine origin being seen with great respect, however, this is only true for Aasimars of mainly Demi Class, Olympus Class Aasimars are usually seen with fear or weary some more primal tribes even worshipping them as full-blown deities. Many Aasimars in humanoid society will become part of law enforcement or the Apoth church in an attempt to put their blessings to good use. 


Relation with other Races

Most other races see Demi Class Aasimars as a blessing in the form of a protector to their communities due to their usual great power and prowess in magic.



Aasimars usually find themself in the Apoth religion, due to their innate connection to the religion as a whole and its themes of Apotheosis, however, Aasimars have also been known to join the Sarkic cults due to their similar themes of Apotheosis, Aasimars in the Sarkic cults specifically being believed to be blessed by Ion himself, having caught a portion of Yaldeboths blood in them when being born. 



Aasimars usually keep their original diet from the race they were before or descendants of.



Aasimars are thought to originate from somewhere in the Nevada desert due to the abundance of Apoth religious texts listing it as the origin of the great Empyrian and the birthplace of the first Aasimars that would later become the first gods of the Apoth pantheon. Due to this, there is a city located in a pocket space in the desert that is filled with Aasimars, the city is known as Empyrian's Nest, only able to be accessed by those who have both a perfect understanding of where the city is but also an Aasimar to open the way to the city. 

  Aasimars are also surprisingly welcome in the city of Under Vegas, this is due to the Queen of Spades supposedly having ruled the city at some point in the past before leaving. Due to this the city has a large settlement of Apoth followers and more importantly Aasimars who descend from the Saint herself. 


Notable Aasimars

Monica, the Aasimar that would take lead Under Vegas through the time of calamities and thought to be one of if not the first Aasimars on the record before ascending to the Apothis class and becoming the Queen of Spades

  Norman, Another one of the first Aasimars to populate the world, is believed to be an Olympia Class Assimar capable of major thaumaturgical and reality-bending capabilities, also took place in the first ascension becoming The Star of Knowledge

  Armando, Originally a different anomalous humanoid Armando was converted into an Aasimar by the great Empyrian before his own ascension into the deity Father Arms

  Tucker Winchester, Although created originally as a reality bender by the king of thorns Tucker would go on to travel with MTF Dice-20, becoming a minor deity of Unity before ascending himself with the help of (awaiting declassification)


Recommended Statistics

Playing an Aasimar in Uncontainable is far more liberating than playing one in another setting, you can choose to technically be any race that you want when playing in Uncontainable's setting. Though it is recommended that players stick to the Demi Class of Aasimars when making a character for balance purposes.

  Our recommended races are the base game Aasimars although if you want you could also try and play Tieflings and Ginasies to fill out the rest of them



"Apotheosis Hub" by Modern_Erasmus, from the SCP Wiki.
"SCP-3396" by CadaverCommander, from the SCP Wiki.
"The Shape of a Gun" by CadaverCommander, from the SCP Wiki.
"A Farewell To Arms" by Weryllium, from the SCP Wiki.
"Thrive" by CadaverCommander, fieldstone, Modern_Erasmus, and Weryllium, from the SCP Wiki.

Basic Information

Size: Small-Gargantum
Type: Humanoid
Common Alignments:

General Info

Vision: Darkvision, Lowlight
Diet: Varies
Average Lifespan: 160-Unknown
Homeland: Nevada Desert/Empyrean's Nest
Languages: Common and Celestial
Favorite Climate: Temprate
Favorite Terrain: Dessert



Average Height: Varies
Average Weight: Varies
Skin Color: Varies
Eye Color: Usually Blue
Distinctions: Bioluminescence, Thaumaturgical Capabilities, and Additional biological Structures


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