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Crimson Kin

Crimson Kin are half-humans that are descendants of The Scarlet King or deities that are similar to The Scarlet King such as The Destroyer of Worlds and The King of Thorns. They are usually created through a ritual the Scarlet Kings followers perform, though they can also be born from the union of two of their kind. Crimson Kin are naturally charismatic, though most people find talking to them to be off-putting for one reason or another despite this. They are known to be clever and smart, usually using their racial abilities to give them the edge over their opponents. This usually makes them great leaders in communities where they're welcomed.

Despite Crimson Kin's heritage and origin, not all Crimson Kin follow in their ancestor's footsteps. They live, feel, and are hurt just like any other human is, their alignment varies drastically, some may choose to follow in their ancestor's footsteps, seeking to free The Scarlet King. While there are also those who wish to redeem their kind, fighting directly against their father.

Crimson Kin are very closely related to Death Stalkers, due to a shared ancestor.



Though their traits vary most Crimson Kin appear humanoid, their skin color mainly being different shades of red, pink, and orange though there are other Crimson Kin who have been seen to be other colors such as purple, blue and green. Most Crimson Kin also has horns on their head that are akin to their ancestor The Scarlet King. Most Crimson Kin also have a tail of some kind, usually reptilian in nature, they also have pointed teeth and sharpened nails, some Crimson Kin lack pupils and retina, instead their eyes being pure spheres of color. Other traits that may be found on Crimson Kin are multiple sets of eyes, double-jointed legs, and an odd memetic effect that leaves others uncomfortable in their presence.

Crimson Kin Species

There are various different types of Crimson Kin, their species mainly being divided up by a Seal that was usually put on them during the ritual used to create them. These Seals are based on the wives of the Scarlet King, however, there is also the seal of "Hunger" for the Crimson Kin that are related to the King of Thorns.

The Closer a Crimson Kin was related to The Scarlet King the stronger they were, usually having some sort of new traits to them, such as more spells, wings, not casting a reflection, and various other unique traits

Dominion Sealed. These Crimson Kin are born with a tactical mind and a powerful body, usually being incredibly potent spell casters and tacticians, some even having wings that they use to their advantage.

Despair Sealed. These Crimson Kin are the most common and look the most human out of any of the Crimson Kin, usually having shorter horns and tails, some Crimson Kin simply looking like normal humans with eyes that are just one color. However they all universally have some sort of indenture in their chest, whether it simply be a crater or a full-blown hole, this does not seem to affect them biologically.

Desolation Sealed. These Crimson Kin usually appear with bumps lining their skin, being shades of maroon and in some rare cases green, they have a natural tolerance to diseases, but many believe they are potent spreaders of them.

Wrath Sealed. These Crimson Kin are considered to be the physically strongest of their kind, usually being dark shades of crimson with larger muscle mass and more reptilian-like features, usually having parts of their body that have scale-like textures, this gets them constantly confused with Death Stalkers at a glance.

Need Sealed. These Crimson Kin are seen as the weakest physically, usually being born with some sort of physical deformity, but for what they lack in body they make up for in mind, having potent spell casting potential and ability.

Secrecy Sealed. these Crimson Folk are usually skinny and tall and lacking a natural mouth most of the time, despite this they are still able to talk as if they did have a mouth however. these Crimson Folk have the innate ability to change their shape usually mimicking other humanoids, They usually appear in colors of pale reds and greys.

Hope Sealed. Hope Sealed Tieflings are immediately recognized by their colors, they either appear in shades of blue or orange, they are naturally good-aligned they usually have eyes similar to that of a human, unlike others of their kind.

Hunger Sealed. These Crimson Kin are created not from the Scarlet King but from The King of Thorns, they are rarely created but they are recognizable from their thorned horns and tail, some of them having a second mouth directly on their stomach.



The Abilities of The Crimson Kin vary greatly, but most of the time they all have some form of minor reality-bending abilities gifted to them by their heritage. This can range from conjuring sheets of flame to their ability to change their appearance at will.

Most Crimson Kin also have an innate knack for arcane magic, most that become Wizard choosing to take the path of Conjuration, mainly in an attempt to bring their ancestor onto our plane, or to call upon his plane for more power. It is also not uncommon for a Crimson Kin to have naturally occurring magic inside of them through a sorcerer's bloodline. Crimson Kin also have the easy option to either become a Warlock of the Crimson King or a Cleric to him due to their direct relation to the Scarlet King.



Most Crimson Kin are ostracised from towns and communities that don't have a large Scarlet King following, being forced to survive in the wastes all on their own with only their wit. They may be taken in by The Children of The Scarlet King or the Dark Edge Raiders, but it is also common for them to simply wander the Wastes as bounty hunters.

In Towns where the Scarlet King has a larger following Crimson Kin will be seen as higher-class citizens, and proof of their god's existence. They'll usually be community leaders or priests, preaching the word of their ancestors. This is true for all Crimson Kin in these communities besides Hope Sealed and Hunger Sealed Crimson Kin. Hope Sealed Crimson Kin in these communities will most likely be killed at birth or used as free slave labor for the community while a Hunger Sealed Crimson Kin born will be immediately killed.

However in the Thorned Forest, Hunger Crimson Kin are seen as authority figures, to be treated with respect and not be crossed less the offender has to deal with the Forest's wrath.


Relations with other Races

Most other races see Crimson Kin as nothing but a bad omen, some communities killing them outright from birth or on sight, this has caused most Crimson Kin to become wary of large settlements and other races in general. The Only Race they have a positive relationship with is the Night Walkers, due to their more open-minded nature.



Most Crimson Kin born into societies that accept them will worship The Scarlet King and the rest of his court however, those branded with the Hope Seal will usually find themselves either pledging themselves to other gods from other pantheons, or Mans Protector. While Crimson Kin with the Hunger Seal will usually find themselves worshipping either a diety outside The Crimson Court or in most cases, worshipping The King of Thorns.



Crimson Kin are carnivores through and through, mainly eating meats and bone, however, despite this, they are still capable of eating other foods.



The Crimson Kin doesn't have a defined homeland, however, they can be found in abundance all over the American wastes, mostly in Death Singer Valley and Crimson's Keep. The only Crimson Kin that has a defined Homeland is the Hunger Sealed who are from the Thorned Forest.

The Hope Sealed Crimson Kin have found a home in Mans Burrow, helping Mans Protector to defend the Burrow from any who may try to attack it.


Notable Crimson Kin

Numander, The many Sealed - The current leader of the Church of The Scarlet King, a Crimson Kin who was born with all 7 seals embedded into him.


Recommended Statistics

Dominion Sealed. When playing as a Dominion sealed Crimson Kin it is recommended you use the "Asmodeus Bloodline Tiefling" statistics, or use the "Winged Tiefling" statistics. 

Despair Sealed. When playing as a Despair sealed Crimson Kin we recommend using the "Levistus Bloodline Tiefling" statistics.

Desolation Sealed. When you play a Desolation Crimson Kin we recommend using the "Baalzebul Bloodline Tiefling" to reflect their plague-spreading nature.

Wrath Sealed. When playing a Wrath Sealed Crimson Kin we recommend using the "Zariel Bloodline Tiefling" Statistics to reflect the Wrath Sealed natural strength and combat superiority. 

Need Sealed. the recommended statistics for playing a Need Sealed Crimson Kin is the "Mephistopheles Bloodline Tiefling" representing their abilities to master arcane magic.

Secrecy Sealed. When playing a Secrecy Sealed Crimson Kin we recommend using either the "Changling" statistics or using the "Glasya Bloodline Tiefling" to represent their ability to decide and change shape

Hope Sealed. When playing a hope sealed we recommend that you use the "Mammon Bloodline Tiefling", "Levistus Bloodline Tiefling" or "Winged Tiefling" statistics

Hunger Sealed. For Crimson Kin born from The King of Thorns we recommend using the statistics of the "Abyssal Tiefling" or "Fierna Tiefling" to represent the Thorned King's manipulative behavior.

These Statistics are the recommended Statistics, if you find yourself with statistics that are better for your Crimson Kin then by all means feel free to use them rather than our suggested statistics.

Basic Information

Size: Medium
Type: Humanoid
Common Alignments:

General Info

Vision: Darkvision, Low-Light Vision
Diet: Carnivorus
Average Lifespan: 100-150
Homeland: Alagadda
Language(s): Common and Infernal
Favorite Climate: Temprate
Favorite Terrain: Plains



Average Height: 4'11-7'0
Average Weight: 144-238 lbs
Skin Color: Same as Humans plus shades or Red, Grey, Orange, Pink, Green, Purple, and Blue
Eye Color: Same as humans plus Red, Orange, and Yellow
Distinctions: Horns, Tails, Extra Eyes, Wings, and Fiendish Origin


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