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Fate Crossers

Fate Crossers, also called Dragon Born and Fantasy Crossers are origami humanoid dragon-like creatures originally coming from the world of Fantasy. It is said that they appeared in the Wastes due to a major reality restructuring event that took place in Fantasy that had to do with the reality being incurred and merged with a neighboring reality by an unknown entity. The Fate Crossers were lost in between the restructuring ending up in Baseline Reality

  Fate Crossers are very new to the world of Uncontainable, most of them not knowing the universe's basic laws and customs while also having to adjust to their new paper-like bodies. Most Fate Crossers actually are Dragons from the original Fantasy universe.



Fate Crossers are dragon-like humanoids made completely of an origami paper-like material. Most of these Fate Crossers have access to the ability of flight in the form of two giant wings that protrude from their backs, most Fate Crossers appear to be similar to those depictions of Western Dragons however it has been noted that some of them have been observed to have a more eastern appearance.



Most Fate Crossers have the ability to fly with the use of their wings, many Fate Crossers have also been observed to have the ability to shoot an elemental projectile from their mouth depending on their color. However, their paper biology has been shown to have the same susceptibilities as normal paper including a weakness to water and fire as well as similar elements. 

  Most Fate Crossers end up becoming fighters, wizards, or sorcerers, Wizards particularly taking advantage of their paper form, using it as a spell book instead of a traditional tome. 



Fate Crossers don't really have a home in the Wastes besides small temporary settlements, Most Societies are quite wary of the Fate Crossers mainly due to their recent appearance, and not many know what they are or their origin. 

  Fate Crossers usually find themself in the Wastes looking for a way home to their original baseline reality or for just a place to belong in this new reality. 



Most Fate Crossers are known to worship an odd group of gods, these gods consisting of various pagan pantheons of earth and their own primordial, most notably the Primordial of Travel, Zyn.



Despite being made completely of paper these creatures still have all the vital organs of most humanoids, these creatures are mainly carnivores eating almost exclusively meat. 



Fate Crossers have no homelands in Baseline Reality however they are said to come from another material plane simply referred to as "Fantasy"


Notable Fate Crossers

Zyn, The Traveller - A Primordial from the Fate Crosser Pantheon but also credited as the first of the Fate Crossers appearing in 2020 to assist both the Serpents Hand and Rouge 20 in the Audapopadopolis incident. 


Recommended Statistics

When playing a Fate Crosser we recommend using a Dragon Born as a base but applying a fly speed equal to their walking speed while also giving them a vulnerability to Fire damage.

  You could technically apply these to any Race to make a Fate Crosser, Dragon Borns just fit the best, talk with your DM if you have other ideas on how to play a Fate Crosser.

Basic Information

Size: Small-Medium
Type: Humanoid
Common Alignments:

General Info

Vision: Standard
Diet: Carnivorous
Average Lifespan: Unknown
Homeland: Fantasy
Languages: Common and Draconic
Favorite Climate: Unknown
Favorite Terrain: Unknown



Average Height: 3'10-8'0
Average Weight: 75-110 lbs
Skin Color: Varies from Chromatic Colors to metallic Colors
Eye Color: None
Distinction: Wings and Paper Biology


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