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Nightwalkers also called Children of the Night, Bigfoot, and Sasquatches are large ape-like humanoids covered in fur, being one of the three original races along with the Faeir Folk and the Humans. Originally used as slaves in the time before names by the Faeir Folk to wage war against the humans of Old Europe before breaking away from the Faeir Folk, banishing them to the Fey Wild and enslaving the humans of the weird west before they themselves were defeated by the human sorcerer Noah with the help of the god Pangloss. Sealing away their magic potential and knowledge allows the remaining humans to rebel and dwindle their numbers to a few isolated populations. 

  In the modern age of the wastes, Nightwalkers have started to regain their power and intellect allowing them to have intelligence comparable to that of humans, along with their population increasing significantly the race being commonplace among the American wastes. 



Nightwalkers are large humanoid-like creatures that have bodies that are covered in fur except for their chest, hands, feet, and face. Their fur and skin come in a variety of shades ranging from white, black, and brown to even rare red-furred Nightwalkers. Nightwalkers unlike humans have three fingers and one thumb while also having four toes, their teeth are sharpened, more bestial as well as their fingers nails are sharper as well. Most people among the wastes describe their eyes as unsettling, usually being a vibrant warm color such as yellow, red, or orange however there have been rare cases of purple and even blue eyes. 



Nightwalkers have been described as being incredibly strong physically, as well as having a natural connection to nature, these skills make them great barbarians and fighters as well as druids. There are also stories of Nightwalkers being able to communicate with others in their dreams and force them to do as they command. Alongside these myths are stories of Nightwalkers blending the Arcane and nature, Wizard and Artificer Nightwalkers being able to create advanced machinery out of nature itself. 

  All of these factors together make Nightwalkers incredibly adaptable meaning they can fill a variety of class roles, however, most notably Nightwalkers usually chose to become Druids, Rangers, or Clerics to their patron goddess, Tatiana. 



Nightwalkers are usually welcomed in most societies, besides that of the Faeir Folk where they are usually enslaved at worst and segregated at best. Nightwalkers however usually prefer to stay in their own underground communities living simple lives. 

  However, there are groups of Nightwalkers who wander the wastes in search of knowledge, purpose, or perhaps to glorify their goddess. 


Relations with other Races

Most races in the Wastes are indifferent to the Nightwalkers, some communities fearing them because of their recluse nature while others like the Geodes happily welcome them into their communities due to their connection with nature.

  The Nightwalkers have a complicated relationship with humanity and vice versa due to the history between the two races. Some Nightwalkers have chosen to forgive humanity for what they did in the past, understanding why they decided to do it since they had done a similar thing to their captors the Faeir Folk before. However other Nightwalkers hate humans for what they did wanting nothing more than to return their race to the top of the metaphorical pyramid and to subjugate humanity again. 

  In contrast, Nightwalkers have a more simple relationship with the Faeir Folk, wanting nothing more than for them to be whipped off the wastes while the Faeir folk share a similar mentality, wanting to re-enslave the Nightwalkers. 



Most of the Nightwalkers worship their patron goddess, Tatiana, and most Nightwalker priests make a pilgrimage to the goddess in the Serpent's Back. Although rare it is not unheard of Nightwalkers to worship other deities as well such as Gaia herself or other nature-affiliated deities. 



Nightwalkers are omnivorous despite their teeth being more equipped to eat meat although it is not uncommon to meet Nightwalkers who are Vegetarian or even Vegan. 



The Nightwalkers can trace their origins back to the two Americas specifically it appears that they come specifically from the Serpent's Back where their largest city Tatiana's Retreat is. 


Notable Nightwalkers

Awaiting Declassification


Recommended Statistics

Nightwalkers are carried in the description, so that leaves a wide variety of races you can pick from to play as when playing a nightwalker, some of the most obvious races are the Firbolg, Orc, Half-Orc, and Bug Bears.

  Other Options, if you want to perhaps play a more spell-based Nightwalker, are Variant Human and Earth Genasies, you can always however talk to your DM if none of the options listed suit your character.

Basic Information

Size: Medium
Type: Humanoid
Common Alignments:

General Info

Vision: Darkvision, Low-Light Vision
Diet: Omnivorous
Average Lifespan: 100-300
Homeland: Tatiana's Retreat
Language(s): Common and Sylvan
Favorite Climate: Temprate
Favorite Terrain: Forests



Average Height: 5'11-8'2
Average Weight: 200-350 lbs
Skin Color: Same as Humans 
Eye Color: Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, and Purple
Distinctions: Large Size, Hair Covered Body, Primate like Features, Fey Origin


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