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Nobody's are humanoids of mysterious origin supposedly being descendants of an individual or group of individuals known as Nobody, Even their creation in the modern day is somewhat of a mystery. Most Nobody's are born from the union of two other Nobody's however Nobody's are sometimes also created sometimes by chance, a random person in the world becoming a Nobody.

  Nobody's are humanoids of a cursed existence, usually having no sense of self or feeling as if they're missing something from themself. This causes a lot of Nobody's to adventure out into the world becoming adventurers or sleuths to find something that will give them that missing feeling. This usually causes them to be neutrally aligned usually only looking out for themself to their friends.



Nobody's appear mostly human, however, the difference in their appearance is striking when their true form is revealed usually having glassed-over white eyes that lack pupils, grey skin, and hair in shades of white. Though these descriptions may be inaccurate as most folks find it hard to find Nobody's or in more powerful Nobody cases, look at them at all.



Nobody's have a variety of abilities that aren't exactly well researched what is known however is their naturally dexterous and have the innate ability to not be noticed, this sometimes takes the form of looking like someone else or even just appearing to be invisible to the natural eye in other cases making them perfect rouges and rangers.

  Despite this it has been noted that the Nobody population's abilities seem to be decreasing and becoming weaker over the generations, some belive this may be that the original Nobody's power is being spread thin among the species population.



Nobodies due to their innate ability to not be seen are natural outcasts to most humanoid societies, not out of the society's choice but generally because they go unnoticed. This has made Nobodies usually taking the roles as detectives or hired assassins being able to slip in and out of places undetected by prying eyes.

  As of current records, there have been no identified Nobody settlements created, it is unknown if this is because it is hard for Nobody's themselves to gather or if it is that a large concentration of Nobody's is simply keeping them from view.


Relations with Other Races

Most other humanoids have an impassive view of the Nobody's, some people in the wastes not even knowing what a Nobody actually is. However, Nobodies are welcomed into most towns when they are discovered to be in one, seeing them as useful help for local law enforcement.



The Nobody's are not known to have any gods of their own however it has been documented that the majority of Nobodies worship the Situse Pantheon, specifically worshiping the patron saint of thieves and liars, Yorc. However, some Nobody's who take up a job working with law enforcement or take up being private detectives have been known to worship THE SPECTER due to the diety's use of similar stealth tactics.



Most Nobodies are omnivores or keep the same diet as the race they where beforehand.



Nobodies don't really have a place to call their own however they have been documented in every major Waste settlement.


Recommended Statistics

Nobodies are a particularly hard race to pin down when it comes to what you should play as, it really depends on what your going for when your playing a Nobody and how you interpret their ability to be "unseen", if you want to take it literally than perhaps you should pick a race of your choosing and apply the feat "Shadow Touched" to them to gain invisibility.

  For those who want some of Nobody's other original abilities, another option is potentially asking your DM to play a Dhampire, and replace the Dhampire's blood drinking with a Racial casting of Invisibility.

  A final option is to pick a Changling, interpreting their factor of being "unseen" as Nobody's simply just blending in with other races around them.

  These Statistics are the recommended Statistics, if you find yourself with statistics that are better for your Nobody then by all means feel free to use them rather than our suggested statistics.



Nobody Hub by Unknown

Basic Information

Size: Small-Medium
Type: Humanoid
Common Alignments:

General Information

Vision: Varies
Diet: Varies
Average Lifespan: 80-Unknown
Homeland: None
Language(s): Common
Favorite Climate: Cold
Favorite Terrain: Urban



Average Height: Varies
Average Weight: Varies
Skin Color: White-Dark Gray
Eye Color: Pure White
Distinctions: "Unseen", Glass Like Eyes, White Hair


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