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The Great Death Singer

The Great Death Singer is a Chaotic Evil deity of destruction, death, and adaptation he is said to be one of the great Leviathans of old and a son of The Scarlet King. The Children of The Scarlet King and The Church of The Scarlet King believe he fell to the mortal world during The Scarlet King's attempts to rise to power and take the Tree of Knowledge. The Great Death Singer is considered a Demi-God in the Scarlet Kings Court, but outside of that most people in the Wastes and in modern-day fear him as an extremely powerful monster.

Despite being directly related to the Scarlet King, he is not worshipped in any meaningful capacity, most people simply leave offerings to him to try and appease the monster as well as his spawn that plague the Wastes. This is mainly due to people seeing him as more of a monster than a god, however to his rare followers he does still offer them boons and spells as any other god would.  


The Great Death Singer is known by many, by many different names, The SCP Foundation labeled it as SCP-682 officially but was more commonly called by its nickname, The Hard to Destroy Reptile. His other names are The Trrasque, The Dragon, The Last Dragon, Impossible to Destroy Reptile, and strangely enough Cain



The Great Death Singer appears as a giant reptile with 6 red eyes, three on each side of its face, it is also described as having bone-like spines protruding from its back and front arms. The Great Death Singer is described to have hair that runs from its head to its tail, the hair is usually seen covering the reptile's eyes and upper half of the body.

There are other descriptions of the creature as well though this is mainly due to its innate ability to heal and adapt in order to survive, these descriptions vary from other eyes appearing on its back, armor-like carapace forming, and even the creation of wings allowing for the creature to take flight.



The Great Death Singer has enhanced strength and speed as well as a mind that rivals the smartest of modern-day scientists. However, The Great Death Singer's greatest ability is its regenerative Adaptation, this allows for The Great Death Singer to survive practically anything, it's body either just heals the damage it's taken or will adapt to the incoming threat allowing for the reptile to have the best possible defense in every situation.



The Great Death Singer's official portfolio is Destruction and Adaptation, His job in the Scarlet Kings Court is to destroy sentient life, being a creature born to help destroy the Tree of Knowledge. As such he continues to try and kill all sentient life whether it is through his own devices, his followers, or his own children.



The Great Death Singer is egotistical and cynical, being generally rude to the creatures he's forced to interact with, however, if he does not have to he would much rather kill these creatures than interact with them at all even if their his followers, however, he has never shown aggression towards his children.


Followers of The Great Death Singer

The Great Death Singer doesn't have any official church dedicated to him, however, The Children of the Scarlet King are known to worship him from time to time, however, they see this creature more as an equivalent to a saint of some sort rather than a god

The Great Death Singer is also worshipped loosely by his children, Once a year creatures all born from his flesh gather at Titans Grave to pay homage to not only the Great Death Singer but also The Titan



The Great Death Singer is a child of the Scarlet King and said to embody the seal of Dominion itself, his father seeing him as one of his greatest achievements.

682 as one of the children of the Scarlet King is related to various other anomalies including the other children of the Scarlet King, the only other confirmed child being Mans Protector, the two "battled" long ago, ending in a stalemate, The Great Death Singer still seeks revenge on his sibling, however, vowing to destroy it.

Another Anomaly The Great Death Singer battled was the anomaly known as Able, the two battled long ago however The Great Death Singer was victorious over the warrior, the two forming somewhat of an immortal rivalry afterward.

Back when The SCP Foundation existed The Great Death Singer was held captive by them, during this time it was constantly experimented on causing The Great Death Singer to have even more of a reason to want to exterminate life. The Great Death Singer simply mocks The SCP Foundation nowadays and uses their previous actions as fuel his destruction




During the Scarlet King's assault on The Tree of Knowledge, The Great Death Singer was banished to earth by a great flood that pushed the forces of the King back, leaving The Great Death Singer to fend for himself on earth. On Earth, The Great Death Singer decided to carry out his purpose, to kill all life on the planet.


Exile on Earth

While on Earth The Great Death Singer's power lay unmatched by even the mightiest creatures the earth could muster, leaving his rampaged unchecked for years. This caused various myths to be formed around the creature such as the stories of Leviathans and the Tarrasque.


The King of Thorns

The King of Thorns when he was a mortal attempted to steal some of The Great Death Howlers' power during his attempt to ascend to godhood. Although he could not get all of the power from the creature, he did gain a fraction of the creature's power and divine status


The Tarrasque Hunt of 83'

In the year 1883 The Great Death Singer ravaged France as well as various other countries, this caused the French government to call in the best of the best to hunt and hopefully kill the beast. Lord Blackwood was called in to defeat the creature with the help of various others. Lord Blackwood and his team fought the beast, luring The Great Death Singer into a trap of poisonous spikes. Then the team unloaded a vast amount of ammunition into the creature until it was only bones, thinking they had won they took a picture with the beast's head and buried its body until the head regenerated eating one of the soldiers. The body clawed it's way back to the surface, killing more soldiers and seemingly about to kill the rest of them in the process.

However, Lord Blackwood had one more trick up his sleeve, Able, Able and the beast went back and forth, both dealing incredible damage to one another. The fight was long-winded but ended when Able used one of Blackwood's weapons cores as a make-shift bomb, driving back the creature and killing himself in the process.



682 was discovered by the Foundation in its early years but wouldn't be properly contained until the foundation got funding from the US Military. The Foundation took The Great Death Singer into custody giving it the SCP designation SCP-682.

While in custody 682 constantly broke containment, killing hundreds in the process, SCP-682 would have a termination order put on it, and The Foundation would try several methods to kill The Great Death Singer using other anomalous beings in the process, however, it would never be successfully killed


Old Foes

During the Anti-Foundation Coalition's attack, The Great Death Singer would be united with another anomalous being known as Tragedy's Avatar, combining its enhanced intellect with the power and Strength of The Great Death Singer, this didn't last long however thanks to the quick thinking of a one Dr.Dan . Who used the only known swarm of Illusion Wings at the time to trick The Great Death Singer into falling into the grand canyon, temporarily neutralizing both entities


His Will, Will be done

Awaiting Declassification


MTF Dice-20

Awaiting Declassification


Titans Fall

When the Destroyer of Worlds was released The Great Death Singer fought alongside it but was defeated being sealed under The Destroyer of Worlds when Jessica Raleigh defeated the beast with The Kings Spears


The Wastes

Even in The Wastes The Great Death Singer is stuck under Titans Grave in the middle of Death Singer Valley, however people still know him as every night they can hear his cries as he tries to escape from under, His children believe that he will rise from this Grave one day, and lead his children through the Wastes to silence all life. Others believe he will stay there, destined to struggle forever until his father can manifest in the material world to free him.

Basic Information

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Power: Demi-God
Symbol: A Vaugely Reptilian Head with 6 eyes with the seal of Domination on its forehead  


Portfolio: Destruction and Adaptation
Domains: Blood, Grave, and Death
Worshippers: Children of The Scarlet King and His Children
Followers Alignment:

Associated Pantheons: The Scarlet King's Court and The Gods of the End


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