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The Scarlet King

The Scarlet King is the Chaotic Evil deity of Destruction and Savagery, being seen as a manifestation of the tension between the old world and the modern and the rage created as a result of the two. He is the head god of his own religion however he is mentioned in the texts of almost every religion in known reality, his name usually being a mixture of some royal title with a variation of the color red.

The Scarlet King is mostly worshipped by a group known as "The Children of The Scarlet King" a cult that was originally formed as a splinter group of "The Serpents Hand". He was also worshipped beforehand by an Asian group known as the Daevites, although they would eventually abandon the worship of The Scarlet King in favor of worshipping Yaldabaoth after the Grand Karcist Ion's great revolt.

It is believed by some that The Scarlet King is not a god, but an idea, only being created in his current form by The Foundation as they started to study him and classify him, indirectly giving him influence and a name.


The Scarlet King has a variety of names given to him throughout the millennium. SCP-001 is one of the most prevalent, given to him by The SCP Foundation. Other titles include SCP-2317, PTE-616-Mendes-Ex-Machina, Kahrahk, Khnith-hgor, King of the Darkness Below, Shormaursh Urdal, Crimson Khan, Lālā Raja, and the Scarlet Archon.


The Scarlet king usually appears as a large monstrosity adorned in regal clothing with eyes scattered across his body and a variety of horns sprouting from his head. The King usually has some bestial traits to him and his body is usually portrayed as some organic material whether it is bone-like or flesh-like


The Scarlet King has been shown to have a vast array of psychic and reality-altering abilities at his disposal, he is said to be able to create creatures of destruction either through his own will or through the use of mortal vessels called "Brides". He is capable of great strength as well as a howl that allows him to cause madness and hysteria.

The Scarlet King is said to be able to create magic items that allow similar abilities.


The Scarlet King is the God of Savagery and general chaos, due to this, it is said that his general physical manifestation would spell the end of the general baseline reality. He seeks nothing more than to silence the chaotic and painful noise known as existence.


The Scarlet King has no uniform personality but has been commonly depicted as a cruel and calculated Tyrant with no regard for the life of others as well as the life of others around him. The Scarlet King is known for his power and hatred for all sentient and non-sentient life.

Divine Domain

The Scarlet King is said to have his divine domain in the realm of Alagadda on the 1st Seal in a place known as "The Scarlet Court" a large structure that inside is filled with an infinite twisting and turning of chaotic rooms and monsters, all said to be children of The Scarlet King

Followers of The Scarlet King

The Scarlet King is worshipped in many capacities by loose organizations and peoples, his influence being far-reaching to almost every corner of the Multiverse.

The Scarlet King's main followers are those of The Children of The Scarlet King, an anomalous group dedicated to finding ways of bringing their dark lord into our world. Most of The Scarlet King's followers follow the Crimson Lord out of fear, hoping to be spared in the apocalypse when he is inevitably released from his bindings.

After the Broken Mask event The Children of The Scarlet King became more well known, opening more public churches and the like shepherding in those who were looking for safety in this new world. The members brought in were either brought into The King's Clergy or used in various rituals as human sacrifices.


There is a multitude of disturbing rituals created by The Scarlet King, most being attempts to summon the Scarlet King or to draw on his power in some way or another. These rituals usually involve human sacrifice and or various other heinous acts such as animal sacrifice, rape, or murder


The Scarlet King when he was first brought into existence by the tree of wisdom ate his other 9 siblings as well as a variety of other deities before ascending to the status we all know him to be in today

The Scarlet King during his rise to power took a goddess known as Sanna as his first wife, subjugating and breaking her till she bore him 7 brides, A'tivik, A'ghor, A'distat, A'zie, A'ndut, A'tellif, and A'habbat. To ensure these Brides did not meet the same fate as their mother he was said to place 7 seals on them. These Brides would bear him legions of monsters called "Leviathans" his children to invade other worlds and bring about his future for an end of existence.

The Scarlet King is said to have two confirmed children on the mortal plane, the Leviathan SCP-682, The Hard to Destroy Reptile who is worshipped to his own degree. The Reptile, or as the lands of the waste know him, The Great Death Singer, appears to have adopted his father's teachings, wishing for nothing more than the eradication of all life.

The Second Child of the Scarlet King is known as SCP-999, The Tickle Monster as the Foundation has named it. However, the people of the modern world call it Mans Protector. This being stands in complete opposition to the Scarlet King, some saying it may be the only creature capable of stopping him. The two are always at wit's ends with one another.

The Destroyer of Worlds was unwillingly merged with the Scarlet King, a piece of the Scarlet King's divine power entering the being giving it incredible power. However, this also made it susceptible to The Kings Spears, causing its eventual downfall at the hands of Jessica Raleigh and her associates.

The Scarlet King is also associated with a variety of other deities from other Pantheons, is said to have fought and won against both Ion and Mekkhan as well as being allied with the deities of The Hanged King, The Factory, The King of Thorns and The Black Moon, some people even assuming these deities may be other names for The Scarlet King.


Long Ago it was said that The Scarlet King was born from The Tree of Knowledge with 9 other siblings, whereas his brothers and sisters were gods that balanced the dark and light, Kahrahk was burdened with managing the in-between, knowing the suffering and chaos of the mortal realm, it broke him. He couldn't stand by so he ate his siblings one by one and gained their power as well as the power of other minor deities.  


The Scarlet King ascended to the highest power, forcing other deities to his will and making them accept him as their ruler. Most complied out of the fear of going against the Scarlet King himself, others who were still more powerful than him denied his claims to power, these included Mekhane and the goddess Yaldabaoth.

Most notable of the Gods that would not submit to him was Sanna, the most beautiful of the goddesses, for her defiance he forced himself upon her, subjugating the goddess and making her his first bride, breaking her, she died in the process of giving birth to seven daughters which The Scarlet King then made his Seven brides.
To ensure these Brides would not meet the same fate as their mother he placed seven seals upon them, each wife bearing him Leviathans of different powers and skills.  

The Time Before Names

The Scarlet King in this time wasn't very active, his name known but not actively worshipped yet by the mortals of the plane. This was due to a lack of border between the natural order and Human Society  

The Daevites

The Scarlet King manifested himself briefly to the civilization of the Daevites, granting them dark powers and tools allowing for them to rule in his name. However, the Daevites eventually abandoned the Scarlet King during the Grand Karsic Ions revolution, turning to worship him and the Sarkic pantheon.  

Modern Day

In the Modern Day, the Scarlet King's main faction is The Children of The Scarlet King, however, he is still worshipped by a variety of other groups. Including a variety of satanic cults, The Scarlet King has also come the closest to re-manifesting in this time. Almost being summoned through the gathering of his Spears and almost being born into the world through his seven wives.  

In The Wastes

Even in the Wastes, The Scarlet King is still worshipped, more openly now than ever, The Scarlet King is worshipped by his children still, but is also worshipped by his own church now as well as in conjunction with other deities such as The Great Death Singer, The Black Moon, The King of Thorns, The Hanged King, and many, many other deities.


Recommended Statistics

Awaiting Declassification



SCP-001 The Scarlet King Article by Tufto from the SCP Wiki
Dust and Blood by Djorice, from the SCP Wiki
The Scarlet King Villians Wiki Entry
The Scarlet King One Canon Wiki

Basic Information

  Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Power: Greater Deity
Symbol: A humanoid skull with Yellow Eyes and deer-like horns coming from its head


Portfolio: Savadgry and Chaos
Domains: Blood, Domination, Grave, Hunt, Trickery, War
Worshipers: Scarlet Kings Children, Murderers, Evil Druids
Followers Alignments:  

The Scarlet King's Court, The Gods of the End, and The Red Trinity


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