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Margaret Blythe

Margaret Blythe (a.k.a. Maggie)

Margaret is the second child of a high-ranking clergy member that decided she wanted to sail instead. She became a pirate after working on a Theocracy-run ship turned out terribly.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Margaret has a slender, elegant frame with a bit of muscle buildup on the arms and legs. Despite how slim she is, she's quite solid.

Identifying Characteristics

Her veins glow faintly through her skin, though not bright enough to be seen in a dark room. Maggie's ears are visibly pointed, and she has heterochromia.

Special abilities

Due to her genasi condition, Maggie can create fire at will. She has not honed this ability, however.

Apparel & Accessories

Maggie wears a bandanna and numerous earrings on her right ear. She also has a few bracelets on her right hand and wears a single glove on her left. Bandages cover her chest under her shirt, and she has a couple wrapped around her neck for decoration.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Margaret “Maggie” Blythe was the youngest daughter of the Blythe family, a “noble” family of priests in the Monacian Theocracy. Due to being higher up in the order of priests they tended to have a little more political sway, which Maggie didn’t involve herself in too much. Her older brother, Elijah, was more adept at such things and had a better public persona. This, in addition to Margaret’s inability to focus on her studies, inclined her parents to focus more on his training than hers and to leave her in the care of the lower ranked priests. Maggie’s constant burning energy resulted in her being unable to sleep most nights, causing her to sneak out of her quarters frequently to take walks. She decided to stroll along the wharf one day, curiously examining the ships and the waves. Maggie was so engrossed in staring at the billowing sails and the moon on the water that she inadvertently knocked herself into a young air genasi boy working on loading cargo. She was easily recognized and pleaded for him not to take her back, as the punishment was severe for what she considered innocent fun. He brushed her worries aside and introduced himself as Hunter before offering to show her around the ship. She happily agreed and trotted after him as he brought one of the crates on board and gave her a quick tour. The pier became Maggie’s favorite place to visit on nightly walks. Hunter was always grateful for the help and would be willing to talk about almost anything, and if work was finished early he would follow her around town to keep her out of trouble. The energy release Maggie got at night from having someone to talk to and get into shenanigans with helped her focus on her studies more, and she gravitated heavily towards studying maps. The idea of a world outside the theocracy appealed to her, and she enjoyed being able to actually recognize the names of places Hunter mentioned. Hunter quickly noticed her picking up on the information he was giving her and started teaching her about the workings of the ship and important skills. Eventually Maggie started prodding Hunter to take her on one of his journeys, wanting to show off the knowledge she’d gained from him over their years of friendship. He considered for a few minutes, worried that kidnapping her for a longer journey would cause problems with both her family and his crew. He came up with the idea to rig one of the smaller rafts for land excursions with a mast and a sail, which was easy enough for him due to his construction prowess and general inventive nature. In the most cliche way possible Hunter’s intuition about the night’s weather goes askew and a storm hits while they’re out. Maggie, of course, is in no way experienced enough to handle such a thing and Hunter has to take command of the ship, but without the two’s combined efforts they would have drowned. Maggie stumbles back home, soaked to the bone and shaken by the general experience. While trying to sneak back through the halls she had grown familiar with over the years, she accidentally plowed head-first into her brother. Apparently he had come to deliver a letter from their mother regarding her eventually moving back, and intended to be gone before sunrise. When Elijah noticed that Margaret was soaked through he immediately became worried about her safety, chastising her at length about how dangerous the sea was. He promised not to tell their parents under the condition she stayed in the church from then on, delivered the letter directly into her hands, then left. Maggie is initially okay with this arrangement, but after being locked inside for weeks with occasional check-ins from her brother at night to make sure she was upholding her end of the deal she grew bored. Hunter would occasionally visit as well, standing at the window of her room and communicating through notes held to the glass, but it wasn’t enough. She started getting antsy during her classes, and would spend long periods of time staring out the window at the ocean. No amount of excitement on solid ground could ever equate the adrenaline shot she got at sea, and she never felt so in control despite being tossed by the waves. Eventually the priests overseeing her grew worried for her health, calling upon a doctor to keep an eye on her throughout the day. She taped a note to the window the first night to warn Hunter to stay away, then resigned herself to solitude the next two years. Of course, as an adult she would have the freedom to choose to leave that life of solitude behind. Maggie leapt at the chance to abandon the priestly life, sick of the constant monitoring and the ridiculous information that she could never keep her fingers wrapped firmly around. To the surprise of the clergy and almost everyone else at the genasi coming-of-age ceremony, Margaret made the conscious choice to become a sailor. Everyone worried it was just the manifestation of the supposed “illness” she’d had for the past two years, as a fire genasi should never want to be anywhere near the water, much less on it. Her brother was silently disappointed, having hoped that in the end she would have stayed. She didn’t stay to watch the rest of the ceremony. Hunter was shocked to see her guided on board later that day, though whether that was because she had been gone for two years or because she tackled him into the ground immediately is up for debate. The euphoria from being on the ocean with her best friend quickly faded when she realized their captain was almost worse than the doctor had been in controlling her life, as well as being borderline abusive to the crew. There was little to be done within the realm of the law, and Maggie became frustrated. Hunter, however, was quick to reassure her. “He’s new and won’t last long.” “Won’t last long? What makes you say that?” “Quite a simple reason, actually; pirates.” Hunter explained the vagabonds to Maggie, keeping his voice low so as not to attract attention while the two worked. Rogues who constantly put their life on the line and stole from traveling ships, often freeing crew members as they went. “The general rule around here is as long as they don’t overstep their boundaries, the law doesn’t search too hard for them. It’s easier to let them do their thing than spend thousands in weaponry and manpower to fend ‘em off. This captain is dense enough to try and take some on, most definitely. Maybe even a few crew members are brainwashed enough to try and defend ‘im. You and I, on the other hand, not so much. We’ll just let them be on their way.” Maggie considered his statements quietly. “Who’s stopping us from doing that?” “Pardon?” “Being pirates, obviously. Seems a lot more fun.” Hunter shook his head quietly, though not in disagreement. “You’re a handful. Tell ya what, if we meet any and you convince ‘em to take us both with them, sure. I’ve grown tired of this ship, anyhow.”


Margaret is well trained in history and religion, but her true passion is mapmaking. She is somewhat in the know about politics, but it's been a few years since she's checked in. Maggie also has quite a bit of language training under her belt.


Maggie's a pirate, making her equivalent to a hired sword in this world. She's quite happy with it too.

Mental Trauma

She's loathe to be under the care of a doctor longer than a few days due to having one lord over her for a small portion of her life. She also tends to stay away from churches.

Personality Characteristics


Originally motivated purely by the desire to be free to do what she wants, she has mostly achieved this goal and now works for payment and fun. She still tends to favor the latter, but is mature enough to know when payment is more important.


Contacts & Relations

Her best friend is an Air Genasi named Hunter. They met in childhood and became pirates together, though he spends a majority of his time tending to business on land in order to keep the ship running.

Family Ties

Her family disowned her after she made the decision to sail instead of becoming a member of the clergy. Her brother is the only one particularly upset about this arrangement.

Religious Views

Margaret still holds a large amount of respect for Sif, though she wouldn't consider a life of religious servitude.

Overenthusiastic priestess-turned-sailor, dedicating her life to fighting injustice on the high seas after mutinying against a ship of her order.

Current Location
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Chaotic Good
Current Residence
Heterochromatic, with the left red and the right yellow.
Black with gold tips.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black with orange veins showing through.
110 lbs
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Primordial (Ignan)
  • Cretian
  • Gnomish

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