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Androgynous figure, knightly appearance, long hair.

Misc Notes

Spellsword (divine magic based arcane magic it appears?) at Fort Root. Has a small house there with herbs and the like for the spellcasting. Allowed Scribe use of a brass brazier to change Scribbles' form, talked a bit about magic. Later gifted Scribe with a small brazier.
  Familiar has the form of a spectral dog, attempted to teach Scribe how to create a larger familiar, which sadly didn't succeed.
  Also spoke with Juttar and Beska about the blood tree legend.
  Did later succeed in helping Scribe figure out the Big Familiar Spell.
  Requested we'd send a message raven and Sending spell about the state of the Magnar vs Heartrest warzone and information about Clan Varg, gave us a cart to travel with in return.
First mentioned
Session 8
Party opinion
Current Location
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