BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 30

General Summary

18th of Ranger's Scythe - Decided to travel to Fort Root & split off there from Malik & Co. to go to wolf mountain. Zytpher bought the loot from the Breskan ruins before we left.   19th of Ranger's Scythe - Spend 2 days traveling to the fort, during the second day we arrived in the forest.   Beska had a weird chat with the Maiden who invited us for tea. Met up with her & really weirded out the rest of the group. She had a vague recognition of Crow.   Joined her upstairs & shared Breskan events. She investigated the spear & deemed it safe to use, somewhat magically diminished since the creature left. The creature appears somewhat fey to her, but they shouldn't be able to create life from death as it did.   Ended the session with her requesting to speak with Beska & Crow.

Rewards Granted

Earned 150GP from Zytpher for selling the loot from the Breskan Ruins.   Confirmed with the Maiden the Spear is safe for use by Juttar.
Report Date
02 Oct 2023
Primary Location
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