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Armored bronze dragonborn. No tail. Has magic.


First round of questioning. He was in the building until 11/12pm. When he left, Petr, the nightguards and Jim were still in the building.   None of the guard patrols saw anything, there are always 4 guards present in the building.   His theory is a magic thief, who shrunk and then teleported the ship.   Lomas has enemies, partially due to the fact that he doesn't always get permission to take the items he brings. None were seen as likely to have stolen the ship.   Eye didn't see remains of magic, unless done by an item. They saw no break-in signs and questioned everyone.   Ship didn't hold any items, mainly emotional value to Lomas. He saw it last during the afternoon.   Emil and Ale were experimenting w Cloudkill via an item they were using for an engine.   Second round of questioning. 23rd, left around 11. When he left, Jim, Petr and the nightguards. Didn't pay attention to the ship.   24th, came in around 10/11. Found a panicked Kai and Ale. Emil came in after him.   Had a message sent to Lomas, contacted the Eye. Returned around 1. Petr arrived somewhere between 2 and 4.   Jim came in while he was out and claimed to need to finish extra work.   Wasn't there during Ale & Emils accident. Ale was already outside, he went in to check.   Saw the gas that killed Emil from a distance, reminded him of Cloudkill, but was orange in color and lingered for a few hours. Some guards performed cleanup.   Found a barrel next to a machine.   Emil's body was scarred, mainly around hands, nostrils and mouth. Body was sent to body processing and likely not cremated yet.   Emil was not in contact with family, no one was contacted after death.   Jim was early on the 26th.  


Old friend of Lomas, isn't always told everything by him. He mainly supplies the guards with their needs, assists in housework, transports and some expanses.   Parents from Westrum, always interested in magic, used to be an adventurer. Party died in a dungeon, he was saved by Lomas, been working for 15/20 years together.   Lost tail in youth, didn't share further details.
First mentioned
Session 43
Lomas' workshop head guard


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