Southern Islands Ethnicity in Sea Hears | World Anvil

Southern Islands

The Southern Islands culture is made up of several independent subcultures. The main collective culture holds many unique and harmonious properties that Southern Islander peoples adhere to and respect, including openness to diversity and celebrating the uniqueness of the islands and the strength and value of the peoples that inhabit them.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Each island has their own unique naming system, but many Southern Isle cultures commonly have a concept called a 'found' name, which is a name chosen by both the self and the community based on their personality, interests and deeds.   Shui Ling's name is one such example, based on their 'watery' personality to go with the flow and react to the goings on, as well as the nature of their abilities.


Major language groups and dialects

Suika is the most common language by the islands, and many other minor languages are related to Suika. Other languages include Dana, Palru and Suum.

Shared customary codes and values

The most important shared value, is the value of harmony between the islands, including 'The Cold Ones', which are not touched by the The Mid-Summer Sea, but are still considered close enough to be part of the archipelago. Southern Islanders see each other as kin, and while they may have some separate ways of living, all Southern Islanders are welcome on all the islands, and may participate in all festivals and events, regardless of their personal beliefs.  


  Southern Islanders are known to be very welcoming to outsiders. There is a common saying that once you step on one of the islands, you are practically part of the family. This saying is connected to the fact that it is very easy for outsiders to complete rites to be considered kin. The warmth becomes lukewarm or cold if the visitor attempts to steal natural items to take home (such as sand, shells and coconuts) or ancient artefacts left by the Old Ones, such as the items in the ISAAC ship that crashed on Suwa-Isuaihovwenaparvu - Isle of Love, Hope and New Beginnings.   Modern technology brought to the islanders is accepted, but many are cautious about it. The sale of technology to the islands must be regulated through the island's personal committee, who often consults with the other islanders to ensure harmony.  

Ladder Building

  "Throw a ladder to someone who is in trouble" is a common Southern Isle saying. It is believed that someone who needs help, should be given the opportunity to find help. That help may be direct, such as saving someone from a burning building, or it may be indirect, such as sharing a leaflet to an Alura. Shui Ling, a teacher at Taru International Academy, is known for following this Southern Isle custom, through indirect support to students and teachers, particularly those who may not feel they can ask for help directly.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

"Think of anything, anything at all. I'm telling you know, by my travels, there's an island for that."   Professor Nephish
  Customs and traditions are diverse among the Southern Isles, with islanders welcoming each other to participate in their cultural rituals, no matter their kin's personal belief.   The diverse use of Fish Dye - Swaankoler is one such example on how the islands may diversify.   Common customs and observed traditions however may include:  
  • Gathering to clean the beach, helping the elderly clean their homes
  • Celebrating harvest
  • Working on the farms and gardens together, helping each other without payment
  • Gathering to eat and enjoy food. Efforts are made to ensure any leftovers can be reused
  Religion for the Southern Islanders is not an intense thing, but some may find it gives a sense of purpose and directs their efforts for values such as ladder building. A common religion includes Tidewatching, which is a spiritual religion connected to The Mid-Summer Sea, which involves observing and interpreting messages from Gaia through examining the sea waves. Many followers create religious and non-religious events to improve the wellbeing of others on the island, and much of the faith is about caring for and celebrating the natural world.


Beauty Ideals

Specific beauty ideals vary, but wearing handmade crafts and belonging to a Southern Isle ethnicity is more preferred.

Major organizations

The Relaxed Way - Elboroboro

  There is no central government for the Southern Islands, though representatives from each of the islands meet up, to negotiate collective trade between other nations, matters of defence and security, and any other concerns. Collective trade agreements include the purchasing of traditional medicinal supplies from Medevék, a country on the other side of the world. This could be due to the ladder building custom of the islanders, who wish to help the country.  
Organization | Jun 13, 2023
The Mid-Summer Sea
Geographic Location | Jul 14, 2022
  The Mid-Summer Sea is an important aspect of The Southern Island culture, including the lack of it for the few islands who are not surrounded by it, but are still considered part of the collective. Many references in Southern Isle languages reference the enchanting Variegation Tides, the colourful phenomenon that can only be observed on the Mid-Summer Sea.  
Suwa-Isuaihovwenaparvu - Isle of Love, Hope and New Beginnings
Settlement | Jul 5, 2022
  Suwa-Isuaihovwenaparvu is famous for being the best place to observe the Variegation Tides. The islanders also commonly have a unique ethnicity of rainbow hair, that bewilders scientists, but are celebrated by the local people as a physical connection to their beloved sea.  
Fish Dye - Swaankoler
Material | Jul 16, 2022
  Common items used on the island includes Fish Dye, which is commonly used for spectacular art across the islands.  
Organization | Jul 10, 2022
  Tidewatching is a common religion in the Southern Isles, inspired by the incredible waves from The Mid-Summer Sea.  
by MR1313
Jewellery from the Southern Isles is highly regarded around the world, and is a common export.

Cover image: by Mikhail Nilov


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Jul 12, 2022 09:08

As always, good work, Ocelot. The SeaHears World has a great CSS in terms of color, font, and layout; the latter of which is something I feel many don't seem to take into consideration for their articles. In particular I enjoy how the side-bar is used in-conjunction with article blocks as a "would ya like to know more" section. My only real suggestion is to maybe give a space between things like sections of text to their headers so as to make things a bit less cramped when reading.

Jul 12, 2022 15:11 by Sailing Ocelot

Thank you Chimera for all the likes and your detailed comment! I will take your advice and look into improving the spacing ^^ I really appreciate the feedback!

~~~~~~~~ SailingOcelot
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