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Luminera Rue

Luminera Rue (a.k.a. Loomi)

My name is Luminera Perfurous Bril vi Silvertongue, but you can call me Loomi! Considering, I knew myself as Lumi Rue for most of my life.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lean in musculature, akin to a runner/swimmer's body, built from the constant physical activities and fights she engaged in when younger and through her training as a barbarian.

Body Features

Has a gnarly scar on her left arm that looks heinous and perforated. It healed but it's really noticeable that something fucked it up. Under her ribs, runs a scar from the sword that stabbed her. There are also other scars on her body, but they are far older and not quite as prominent.

Facial Features

A smooth, petite face that is angular in looks and framed by golden en-weaved, ashen black locks. A noble nose and small but plump lips.

Identifying Characteristics

The scar on her arm and the scar on her stomach. Her steel blue eyes and her ashen black hair.

Physical quirks

Slight gap in the upper front teeth and sharp canines

Apparel & Accessories

Lapis lazuli brooch clasped around her neck that holds her shirt together. Bronze and black belt which has a jade center. Golden bracers hug her arms, wrists, and thighs.

Specialized Equipment

Lumi carts around with her some thin looking, iron wrought chains that belay their great strength.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Was born to hopefully loving parents; no idea what happened to them because
  • Was adopted into a relatives household/some branch family/someone completely unrelated but close friends of the family,
  • Who loved me very much and raised me in a modest household,
  • Along with this rich, strange Aunt of the family (who might have given me to my current parents to help raise), who's around occasionally when she drops into harbor
  • Who treats me kindly but is a bit of a strict and proud person
  • I just think they're a big ole Kuudere
  • And it helps that she spoils me rotten with anything I want, except money -- which I would totally responsibly spend, but whatever,
  • At least I've got the piles of books and miscellaneous things she showers me with,
  • Though, I could definitely do without the whole "I've got this super secret thing I have to tell you, but I can't, like, tell you until you're old enough."
  • I'm totally old enough -- I mean, I'm like 11 at this point. If that's not old enough, I don't know what is
  • I'll find out that secret, Auntie!
  • And I've got a great friend to help me do so
  • They've been my friend since I was 7/9
  • And, though, they don't enjoy the more physical rough-housing I get to with the other local kids, they're a great person for bouncing off ideas and listening to my ramblings
  • Like, they don't think too badly of my uncontrollable motor mouth. It's great!
  • And they also don't think how scary it is that like the local kids do that I'm stronger than them or call me names or find it weird that I eat a lot and that I can smell and see stuff better than any kid,
  • It's just like a great mystery!
  • One that we're always testing and trying to find the limits of -- it's like a great game!
  • And though, my Auntie doesn't really care for them, that's fine, I'm sure she'll come around to liking them soon enough.
  • I mean, my parents are already sort of okay with them. And that means they've totes adopted him, even if they're not yet allowed to like sleep over yet
  • Anyways, one day when I'm like 13, my bestie decides that we should definitely become apprentices to some local government people and study to be placed in the top school and become a big wig government official,
  • Which, okay, I guess. Not really a fan of being a stuffy hot-shot but,
  • It would be the best position to be in to find out everything and learn so much,
  • And having one of the biggest of appetites for both food and knowledge, that's a good pitch.
  • So, we decided to join together and move up together.
  • It's nice knowing we have each other's backs. Nothing can stop us, if we stick together.
  • 14 and we become a thing. It's both exciting and comforting
  • Anyways, in that year, we're lucky to find someone who will teach us both
  • She's smart but a no-nonsense, tough cookie -- she's the one who I get my really blunt nature from!
  • It's a good and grueling few years before things changed
  • 16/17 and only a year before we're to take our final test to determine if we can enter into office. Though, our teacher is confident we will! ("You'll be placed. If you've time to worry, you've time to train and study. Get to it!")
  • My Aunt is acting a bit sus, I might even say antsy, despite only ever having seen her calm, cool, and collected.
  • We take a day to spend together, when she drops the bomb on me.
  • It was... a lot to take in. I definitely freaked out. Because, the world coalition?! My parents being part of that noble family?! My parents not actually being my parents!? It was, uh, I can't say this enough: a lot.
  • I left, barely hearing her say she would stay a few more days for me to get settled on everything -- on my worldview being changed. Mind reeling. Definitely went full sleep, no breaks.
  • I was, you know, a little dazed for a few days, trying to reconcile everything. People noticed of course: family, friends, acquaintances. When I finally decided it didn't really matter and f**k being part of the World Coalition, I decided to also confront my adoptive parents on, hey, not telling me about that adopted part. Really not cool!
  • It was something. Thankfully, we were able to move past it and, well, they're still my parents, my ma and pops -- the nicest, no-nonsense people. They raised me, when my birth parents couldn't. And I still love them with all my heart.
  • But, definitely, need a break or something. Feel as if the ground was pull up under me and bereft. Need to get my feet back.
  • Which means, traveling!
  • Packed up and left without telling anyone anything -- though, I left letters! Can't have anyone try to stop me. And I really need this.
  • So, a year away -- long enough to get myself back together and come back in time to continue my promise with my partner.
  • To the sea! And aboard the first ship outta here!
  • The Caol Ila has a captain who is simultaneously puzzled by and amused by my stowing away on their ship.
  • Doesn't stop them from putting me to work, which, okay, fair
  • But then they have to go and be real sus with their stopping me from either going certain places or shutting up at certain conversations. Or their baiting me with the mystery!
  • If you want something kept secret, I'm the wrong girl to try to keep it around. Definitely start snooping around and fishing for answers.
  • Takes until we're boarded before I'm let in on the fact that they're not exactly a sanctioned vessel. Not even privateers. They're pirates!
  • No idea whether to feel dismay or be thrilled at -- why not both
  • For helping save their ship (and their Captain, not that he'll admit to that), I'm considered a potential ally -- so long as I can keep this all secret, aye?
  • Aye!
  • Though, we make a deal that I'll only really help them when their ship is in danger. They won't be doing any raids while I'm on board (which they apparently don't really do often, anyways; mostly smugglers and information brokers). And I'll have a crew member with me at all times while onshore.
  • Me and the crew get to know each other better with their secret blown away and I work on worming my way into the Captain Calico Engles' regard.
  • I mean, he's easygoing, has a good humor -- def someone who I can befriend.
  • And things are going great as we travel, me hanging out with the crew and pester--uh, jollying around with the the captain, and I make sure to leave a letter at the local post office (or equivalent in this world).
  • But trouble found us on one of the little islands/archipelagos/outposts
  • Another pirate group, one the Captain faintly recognized but not fully, was going to the same location as us and asked to join us on our merry way. Their captain promised not to get into any funny business or get in our way. Not yet suspicious, it was agreed upon because why not.
  • We should have said no. We should have fired upon them. If only Captain Engles had remembered who this group of no good scallywags were.
  • Nothing happens the early afternoon we dock and everyone is friendly with each other, us seeing no reason not to and them likely all part of their plan.
  • I'm rather preoccupied, anyways; I saw my Aunt's ship when we pulled into harbor. I'm going to try to find them and reconnect.
  • She's in the middle of a deal or something when I barge in to the room in the fancy inn she's in.
  • I apologize, duh, even if I didn't really know they were in a meeting (and totes ignored the two people that were, now that I think about it, probably guarding the place -- which, you know, just means that they're crap at their job if they couldn't stop little ole me from going in).
  • Of course, because it was me, she had to postpone their little meeting for some other time.
  • Once they left, she cut through my babble with an apology and informed me that I had worried everyone back home by leaving with little notice, including her. But she also understood why I left
  • Like I said, total kuudere -- having a calm, cool, collected exterior and a soft, sweet ice-cream interior
  • We talked for a bit more, catching up, when screams and the central bell rang.
  • Outside was a pandemic -- people running, buildings being set on fire, and a bunch of pirates all at the center of this little pillaging
  • For a moment I was shocked and then angry, thinking it was Captain Engles who had ordered this before realizing that none of the people I saw were my new friends.
  • Instead, for those unmolested, there were a bunch in fights with my fellow crew mates!
  • I jumped into the fray and, having been unsuccessful in pulling me away, my Aunt joined in.
  • Though, I only helped a few here and there all while asking where Captain Engles was while I made my way towards him.
  • The Captain was clashing with the other ship's captain, their blades interlocked. Captain Engles looked righteously angry and was shouting at our now enemy, while the other Captain seemed viciously pleased with everything, laughing at his anger.
  • I was worried, the violent battle seeming to my inexperienced eyes to be going the other Captain's way, however much Captain Engles was seeming to give.
  • And, despite knowing how mismatched I was, no way was I going to let my Captain die! So, I jumped in.
  • Of course, my Aunt jumped in to keep me from dying, the other captain complained about it feeling a little crowded (that stupid grin gone from their face), and Captain Engles tried convincing me to leave as he and my Aunt (who's apparently a weretiger, having transformed into a hybrid form -- which, more secrets!?) kept me from helping them.
  • I am not weak. I understand their protective streak, but I refused to be kept away from a fight -- a fight that no good scumbag started
  • I don't know what happened next, maybe I got too close when I should have kept back. Maybe I went high when I should have gone low. Whatever the case, the only thing I can remember is the grating feel in my arm, a strange and intrusive pressure in my side, and the primal cry of something before my vision went black
  • When I woke, it was to parts of my body bandaged and my entire body aching, my arm feeling as if it had been been broken (not the first time) and then hammered, while my left side was a starburst of sharp pain when I made to sit up
  • My Aunt was quick to enter at my scream and force me back down. She was quick to explain what exactly had happened and why I was so badly injured.
  • Apparently, the other captain had stabbed me and she had accidentally bit my arm.
  • (In truth, the other captain had feinted a maneuver on Captain Engel and while he didn't fall for it, I did and attempted to "rescue" him. My Aunt, not realizing my foolish mistake in falling for it, had also realized the Captain's game and made to attack his vulnerable neck. Unfortunately, my attack, and most importantly of all, the arm I used for that attack got in the way and she bit down on it. The other captain seized on this moment and stabbed me in the gut. Captain Engel kept them from injuring me further, possibly killing me, by taking the moment to get them on their side, causing them to retreat from me and return their attention to both him and my enraged Aunt. Despite this opposition, the captain was able to retreat -- though with serious injuries. And my Aunt allowed Captain Engles to be by my bedside for the first two days before he left. It would take another two days before I woke.)
  • The town was fine and my Captain had left, though not without a letter. Once I had read it and was recovered enough, we would be returning to my home, my Aunt promised.
  • (It was not the first time Captain Engles had seen someone so seriously injured. But it would be the last he would ever want to see me so badly done. I'd sail the see long enough, he wrote. Best for me to get some land legs back on me. While I was no longer crew, I was welcome to his help sometime in the future. Just not so soon, eh?)
  • Yup, we're totally friends, now.
  • Anyways, it takes only a day or two before I and my Aunt leave the rebuilding island and head for my home.
  • My home island feels both strange and completely welcoming when I step foot on it. I see things with a fresh gaze.
  • I missed it and everyone I cared for while I was away. Sending a letter every few weeks doesn't really cut it, you know? Especially when you can't really receive a letter back.
  • I reconnected with everyone receiving scolds (parents, teacher, and lover) and welcome backs (parents, lover, and friends).
  • While my parents and Aunt accept my needing to find myself, my lover and teacher don't.
  • My teacher simply tells me to not do such a foolish thing again, unless I want to harm my chances of fulfilling the lifelong goal of getting into government.
  • My lover, on the other hand, knows I am hiding something from them. While happy I'm back, that doesn't change the fact that I left with only a letter to explain things and vaguely at that. And they believe they deserve to know the truth.
  • The me from before, the one ignorant of her heritage, might have told them without censor but this secret...? I'm hesitant before repeating that I just wanted to find myself. Take a break. Before I was forced into a government role.
  • My partner really takes issue with the forced line, which, yeah, bad choice of words, but still. For the first time, we have a row. All over the fact that they're becoming more serious about the government aspect of our dream while I still look at it only as a tool for the knowledge it would bring.
  • Thankfully, we're able to move past it. (I am; they don't, not really, despite pretending elsewise.)
  • We get back into the swing of things and normality resumes. We're able to take the test and both of us pass! It's a celebration and I'm feeling good about my future.
  • Unfortunately, the topic of my bloodline, of my inheritance comes up. My partner had looked into things during the year I was gone and continued when I returned, only now having found out through their investigation.
  • (They feel betrayed that I would keep this from them. Would I never had told them unless they confronted me like they were doing now? How much was I worth in their eyes, if I trusted them so little?)
  • (They also couldn't understand the fact that I wouldn't use my newfound background to my advantage to immediately help the island.)
  • I just don't want to acknowledge it. It's not something good. Can't understand their thoughts on it being such. Not ambitious at all.
  • (They became ever more frustrated and just felt as if I was throwing it away.)
  • Frustrated with their mode of thinking and their continued attempts to turn me to their line of thinking, I separated myself from them a bit (a few weeks or a month).
  • It took a bit before they apologized, promising to respect my choices despite not understanding them and I fully took them back in to my heart. I really missed them and apologize for separating for so long.
  • And for a few months, it was almost like everything was back to normal. For a few months.
  • Unfortunately, the topic of my bloodline, of my inheritance came right back up.
  • And with it, I realized that we were on completely two different wavelengths and that they likely would never move past it like I had hoped. I realized something about them that I had ever never seen before or that they had successfully hid until now from me. And I didn't like it.
  • Finally, I told them off for their ambitions and broke up with them. It was better for us. Maybe in the future, we could be friends again, even if we could never be lovers.
  • Well, that was my hope, until a few years later, a letter from a deceased friend of ours, a fellow apprentice, threw complete doubts on that.
  • (She warned me that my ex was definitely not letting whatever caused us to break up go and that I should be really careful. Maybe skip town. Maybe not be anywhere near them. Or find someway for them to not be able to do something.)
  • Normally, I would confront a situation -- after all, I wasn't raised nor let myself be a coward. But, for some reason, this time gave me pause. Maybe it would be best to seek my fortunes elsewhere. Maybe it was time I actually connected with my heritage. Of course, I'll have to be careful and prepared but I'm sure things will work themselves out.

Gender Identity



Fluid as can be.


Before her formal education, Lumi was home-schooled by her parents over the history of their ancestors and how their actions continue to define their current way of life. Furthermore, they would teach her how to read, write, and engage her in various games meant to test her mental acumen. Various tutors were also hired to help teach her a few other "boring" things (politics, science, math, et al). Her aunt, whenever she would dock, would help build on the "boring" things she learned, along with whatever her parents' games imparted on her.


Lumi spent time as an apprentice under the teachings of a no-nonsense government official before she decided to leave the island. It is one of the bonds she cherishes and hopes to return to after she returns.

Accomplishments & Achievements

In her younger years, she broke up one of the kid gangs on the island with only her fists and ingenuity!   Later, became friends with the smartest person on the island and was able to be apprenticed under one of the best known official's on the island with them! And they both were the only two apprentices who their mentor felt was ready for their placement test before Lumi decided to leave again.

Failures & Embarrassments

Lumi's mouth would be a never-ending stream of words and noises, if people would let her. Unfortunately, it tends to get away from her more often than not, blurting out things that would be considered very, uh, indelicate.   Otherwise, she is as shameless as can be, even when she really shouldn't be.

Mental Trauma

Lumi's encounter with that pirate Captain causes her grievous nightmares that are part of her recent insomnia. This has also caused her to feel more tense than she usually is and jump at strange noises. Though, she denies it with all her breath, she is clearly and negatively affected by it.

Intellectual Characteristics

Insatiably curious, Lumi is quite learned and knows a lot more than her short stature or seemingly ditzy personality would tell you. She is also quite shrewd and cunning, but doesn't really put it to affect, finding it hard to care to do so. Considering she's rather easily distracted at times and is more a generalist than anything, this is understandable.   She also knows that sometimes she can be a bit much, being completely honest with herself and others. This also means that she treats everyone she sees as fairly as possible.

Morality & Philosophy

Honesty is the best policy! And a curious mind is a living one!   Also, Lumi believes that the best way to bond with someone is over food. Food is great! Not to mention, eating makes you vulnerable and shows a lot more than one thinks.   And sometimes a good fight helps resolve most things.


Non-consent is a big no-no. It doesn't matter what it is, if they say, "No", it's a no.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Ooh, I can play the flute good! I also know just how much I can pack in before I start getting full!   Not really good with social cues, though.

Likes & Dislikes

The only greens I like are the salad greens. Keep the rest away from me!   Except for that, I love food in general, especially meat!

Virtues & Personality perks

Free-spirited, proud, blithe, ferocious, and detail-oriented

Vices & Personality flaws

Proud, blunt, and very talkative

Personality Quirks

Voracious in appetite and able to pack in quite a lot, more than my small size may tell you!


Really clean, even more so now that I have to keep track of the moon phases.


Contacts & Relations

Aunt Oumou "Reza" Raus: A stern but loving person who identifies as female with masculine looks.   Captain Edward "Calico" Vane: A colorful Aarakocra who is flamboyantly dressed and is flamboyant in personality.   Carles Lowe: A non-binary half-orc who was Lumi's best friend turned partner.

Religious Views

I love history! And the best history is the one that connects us with our ancestors! I really believe that strong ancestral knowledge carries forth through generations. And we must honor that knowledge, by not only learning it through the things they left behind but also through communion with them.   Others might think of it as ancestor worship, but that's just because they have no respect for their traditions or histories! But I do!

Social Aptitude

Uh, I've been told I don't know how to read a room, am a bit abrasive, and sometimes talk too much? If that helps.


Can you eat it? Teehee, just kidding!   I know a bit. I just choose what to follow and what not to. If it's not too annoying, anyways. And if I care.   Hmm, it really just matters on my mood, you know?


OC: Uses Buffy speak and a little valley-girl-ish. Somehow.

Wealth & Financial state

Thinks of herself as coming from a modest background but while her current family is not part of the aristocracy, they are upper-middle class.

Lumi lived a rather carefree life, raised by loving parents and passing friends. In her younger years, in between home-schooling, she was found rough-housing with the local kids and looking any physical activity to engage in.

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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Elamyar within Misty Reach
Steel Blue
Ashen Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Halfling, Sylvan, Goblin

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