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Melidi Abora

Melidi Abora

Meli was born under the ice in the city of Elonath. Of mixed blood this Quiet druid hasn't quite gotten down wild shaping, and can only turn into one form, a Seal.   Meledi seems to have an odd air about her, having something to do with her family and some sort of spirit or other worldly entity who has been around the Selkie's entire life. She knows less about herself than most people do by this point in her life, but knows vague hints as to her history, and her family's past.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She has a rather Lithe build, whith more weight distributed towards her thighs and lower half. She has a rather average amount of muscle, maybe slightly above that of a normal woman her age.

Body Features

Her body is splotched with freckles and moles, her light brown skin contrasted with both darker and lighter marks and splotches all over her body.

Facial Features

Her face is covered in odd moles and freckles, with slightly sharper ears.

Identifying Characteristics

Her most identifying feature would be a scar running down her back, along side her spine, with several branches reaching around her stomach and torso, faint, yet still there.

Physical quirks

When touched, Meli flinches without thinking, freezing up in stress and choosing generally to stay quiet if at all possible. Loud noises scare her, especially when breaking an otherwise silent moment.

Apparel & Accessories

Meli wears simple clothes for the most part, aside from the pelt of a seal, which she keeps with her at all times. This pelt is what she uses to wild shape in most cases, and without it she will panic, as well as have trouble transforming.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Melidi was born just as winter began, learning the ways of existing under the ice from when she first learned to walk. She learned how to swim before she could crawl, and found herself being more at home in the water than on land. As a child she was exuberant, loud, happy, and outgoing, loving the people and often being called some form of nickname referring to her general upbeat attitude, joy, and volume. She became known around the city as a kind of pup, referring to her loyalty and eagerness to learn, beginning to be taught druidic magic and how to continue the ways of her people starting at 7 years old. She never really got to get good at it, as before long she found herself in the face of trauma. Close to her 9th birthday, people came for her, something about her family and her lineage, none of it really made sense to her at the time though. As her parents tried to stop what was going down they were killed, Melidi just remembering blooded shadows holding blades the color of silver, marked with blood. Her parents gripping their necks as they gasped for air. The air had never felt so cold as it did that day. She was hiding in the closet when it happened, put their by her mother when she heard noise of people coming in, told to cover her mouth and keep quiet. While it happened, it felt almost like another pair of hands held around her face while tears streamed down. She wanted to scream and yell and do something, but she couldn't falling to her knees in silence. She couldn't find words after that. By the time that the people had left it felt as though she had no tears left to cry, knees resting in blood, cooled in the hours she was hidden to be cold and the skin of her parents lifeless and pale. After their deaths Melidi found herself lost, refusing to go anywhere for a few days, and then leaving the city with only the clothes on her back, a cloak, and some food. She wandered the tundra for weeks, barely surviving off of what little she knew from the druids until she found herself stumbling on an old hag somewhere out on the ice, miles from home. The hag saw something in her, and for a small deal she could take away the pain of the loss Meledi had endured. Melidi agreed. A pelt over a rack and a pact made in blood with a silver crest she carried since brith, Melidi forgot everything. Becoming less and less of a humanoid. Strangely it felt natural to the girl, and she felt her mind fade to the back, becoming another creature all together, slight panic at her new form but the loss was gone. A person replaced with an animal, and the pact fulfilled.   For ten years she stayed like that, an animal, alone but not unable she learned to live like what she had become, almost wearing the pelt like a second skin, a second life. She learned. And again and again she learned. Silence was the way of the Tundra. Silence meant you survived. Silence was the only way.   On the early side of winter on the tenth year, soon before what would have been her 19th birthday, Melidi was found by a fishing boat from some settlement far from home. A traveling Druid in the company of the fishermen saw what she was, and changed her from a seal back into a person by cutting the Pelt of the seal off, draping it around her shoulders. Her mind, gone for ten years returned to her, not all at once but slowly over the months. She never spoke, but the fishermen still treated her as their own, The druid, one of the fisherman's Daughters, Natalie Besser, thought of her as a friend at the very least. while she was taught how to help out around the boat, and her nifty ability to change forms became of some use. On an excursion with Natalie, the town they were taking port in was besiged by pirates, and the pair were stuck together for some time, forming a lasting bond. Natalie left the crew first, leaving to join, and later be a leading figure in, an organized Criminal ring. After time news of the Seal girl spread, even back home. Galen Fisk, a Triton once in training to become a druid as her senior, currently posing as a dignitary from the triton city to gather information on the surface cities, definitely knew. And when most of the memories came back she knew she had to leave, striking out to find the secrets of herself, who she really was, and what her true nature really was. Allong the way so far, she has been sort of coasting allong, helping out where she can, using any abilities she can to be of some good, which unfortunately creates a few waves. Notably, becoming known to help regardless of flags, with the rescue of a pirate captain from drowning, the captain by the name of Arthur Black, feels he now owes this small druid a sort of debt for saving his life one fateful day, lest he lose face.

Gender Identity

She feels pretty comfortable as a person, in her own sex, and feels fine calling herself female.


She never really had any experience with her own sexuality, and even as an animal never had any contact with any other seals. While she certainly feels feelings, she doesn't know what any of it really means.


Most of her life was either as a Seal, or learning druidic magic. Without any proper education she barely knows how to read or write, and doesn't know much about the world.


She worked aboard a fishing vessel for about half a year, getting her some money, and know how with a ship.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She hasn't really accomplished much in her life, only recently becoming Humanoid again, and leaving the Fishermen about a month before her journey begins.

Mental Trauma

She still doesn't speak much, only ever when needed, flinches at human contact, and really is scared of many things.

Intellectual Characteristics

She reads and writes at a 1st grade level, though her brain functions perfectly normally for a woman of her age.

Morality & Philosophy

Meli believes in the preservation of nature, as well as life itself. Generally a cycle of life prevades all things, but certain things must be protected for that cycle to function.

Personality Characteristics


Melidi is driven to find out about her past, her parents, and who killed them and why. All she knows is it has something to do with her birth, and whatever people that her family belonged to before they had Melidi, and moved to the city she grew up in. She feels every now and then the favor of some other entity, a spirit or something that has been around her her whole life, though she knows very little about it.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Melidi is an adept swimmer, and fisher, having knowledge of sailing ships and serving with people. However Seems inept in social situations, and in tests of learning and education.

Likes & Dislikes

Melidi likes to be around good people, and tends to avoid strangers unless otherwise introduced by another person she knows well.

Personality Quirks

She eats fish raw and whole, she sleeps without blankets, and a few others I'll think of as we get to them!


Melidi Almost always smells of salt water, though keeping herself fairly clean most of the time. She lacks the same standards of civility as many others, doing some things that people would find revolting, such as eating fish raw and whole, and having a slight disregard for what would be considered appropriate or modest for a given moment. (Ex. Diving into the water fully clothed, or conversely having no shame for others and their dress. She doesn't really get civilized people.)


Contacts & Relations

Galen Fisk; A few years her senior when she was training to be a druid, Galen advanced through the ranks in her absence, until he was able to hold a position of respect in Elonath's Government. As the master Spymaster, using his skills for intelligence gathering on the surface. When news reached him of Melidi's life, he was overjoyed, but found himself overjoyed about a friend who no longer existed.    Natalie Besser; The daughter of one of the fishermen, using the boat to run some stolen goods and contraband between ports without suspicion, and the Druid that turned her back to a humanoid. During a stop at port the two were doing an errand when the port town was raided. Their boat being off, and the two girls stranded, they worked together to survive the day until they were picked up by the rest of the crew, and ever since then the two were close friends. Since her departure from the fisherman's crew, Natalie rose up somewhat in rank in one of the organizations she was a part of in the criminal world.   Arthur Black; A pirate whom Melidi saved from drowning. After reuniting him with his crew, he agreed, begrudgingly, to help her out should she ever need it, creating a pact of sorts to promise his life for hers, until the debt was equal, or he died.


She tends to speak sparsely and quietly. Her mannerisms as she talks are brief, and without much elaboration.

Meli came from up north, losing her family when she was young. The Time between she keeps to herself, however after a period of being presumed dead with her parents despite the lack of a body.

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Lawful Neutral
19 Winters
Current Residence
Pale Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
Known Languages
Meli knows how to speak Common, but beyond that nothing. Although not technically a language, she also knows how to speak with all animals.

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