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Ozbert Fleck

Ozbert Fleck

There are rumors of those with a bloodline reaching back to divine creatures, concrete evidence of this is difficult to find until you witness Ozbert and his ruthless hunt for Evil.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lean body with just enough fat to soften the definition of his muscles, a terrible posture giving him a slight gut

Body Features

Metallic silver freckles across his shoulders, back and elbows

Facial Features

A round face sporting a bulbous nose and thin lips, clean shaved all the way up his sides into a platinum-blonde curled mohawk. His eyes are alert, iris a metallic gold and surrounding area dotted with metallic silver freckles like glitter. He sports a tattoo of black lines depicting a tiara running from one side of his head to the other across his forehead, a ring on his forehead, the left side has two half-circles rising from it to represent the moon, on the right side is a single semi-circle with pointed rays radiating from it to represent the sun.

Identifying Characteristics

Platinum-blonde mohawk with tiara tattoo, silvery glitter of freckles around the eyes.

Physical quirks

Has a slight hunch giving him poor posture, often looking on alert.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears simple worker clothing with brilliantly tailored red leather boots bound by intricate laces and robust belts.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born along the Cobalt Stream in Stormhaven. Oldest child born to a family of cobblers, Ozbert was raised to join the family business. Curiosities were raised about his natural platinum hair, especially as a young brother took more after their parents, but they were left at that; A curiosity.   Further still as he went through puberty came the metallic freckles, questions were raised, doctors inspected him and ultimately, to the best of their knowledge, he was fine. It was disregarded as a sign of him being lucky, the length of such getting him the offer to join the local church, but ultimately he was kept close to the family, they lucky charm, their special little Oz. At the age of 10 he was gifted a kitten to take care of, to teach him empathy and to train him in caring for others. As any child would do he called the cat Potato Sack, quickly shortening to Po when he was old enough to feel embarrassed about calling out "Potato!" to the street to call the pet back.   The first time he heard The Voice it told him not to trust a customer, Oz being barely 15 he was no stranger to having odd thoughts, but usually they would be in his voice, this one was not. It echoed inside his consciousness, indistinct but commanding, "Do Not Trust That Person". Oz ignored this errant thought.   It was a simple repair, the sole of their shoe was coming loose, typical from normal use. When Oz found dried blood in the stitching it didn't take him long to work out why they were damaged. He put on a brave face and continued, do the work, be good, be lucky. The work was done and the shoes returned, clean of evidence and good as new.   It took a week before The Voice returned, "They Are Dirtied, Evil Must Not Be Pardoned". The Voice did not let up, it did not give in, a call to stand against evil, for good, lucky, special Oz to act in some forced duty. When Oz found himself sneaking out at night and finding a familiar man in bloodied shoes standing over his victim, kicking them senselessly, he acted on instinct. Oz had never seen magic until then, heart racing at the fallen body bludgeoned to death by an Eldritch Blast The Voice did speak, "Repeat After Me" and he did, the victim regaining their breath, a rib pulling from their lung as their body stitched itself back together. Oz ran, The Voice would stay.   It's influence was subtle for some time thereafter, it was six months of occasional advice on morality before it began making another demand, calling out for another target on a busy street. Three weeks of scouring the city, of trying to ignore the loud demands of something terrible and great and succumbing to it's whims, three weeks is what it took to find the barmaid secretly poisoning the drinks of unruly customers. Another hunt complete, another eldritch gift.   Oz matured to it keeping him company, he had few friends as such were the insecurities of children when your features stand out. He would muse to himself moral dilemmas big or small, questioning things about the world and occasionally getting an answer. He had The Voice to guide his morals, Po to foster his empathy and his parents to show him love. This gave him more than enough time to listen to the dreadful deeds ahead.   Other criminals, evil do-ers around the city would be met by the growing strength of this unknown assailant. Oz's work began to slip, his position kept by a concerned family who wouldn't admit there was something wrong. Between the secrecy, the trauma and the thrill Ozbert started to become erratic, up until he was caught.   He overheard a customer talking to his mother, discussing in disgruntled detail the continued sounds of work late into the night from his neighbor, at that The Voice spoke, "You Will Smite Evil". Oz knew what he had to do. That night he snuck out, taking this customer's address from their records to stalk out and find Evil. Ozbert was witnessed standing perfectly still in a darkened alleyway opposite the Navy worker's home. When the sounds of banging wood and yells of frustration came from the suspected home, Oz disappeared. The worker could not prove he was there, but when the body of the neighbor was discovered later on, a room almost finished being prepared full of torturous devices and weapons within their home, an investigation into their affairs concluded criminal deviants had a disagreement.   But the accusations began, direct without evidence, Ozbert's family defended him with just a hint of suspicion, of knowing there was something off with the reality of things, but they were unsure of what. Oz knew his accuser wasn't evil, so he did nothing to defend himself, nothing except to be more careful next time.   A year after the fact, by pure happenstance or perhaps fate, he met someone shockingly familiar; Silvery hair, golden eyes, distinctly alert about Oz's presence, they were like him, something pushed further by The Voice, "You Will Do Great Things", it was a simple enough declaration. He was candid in introduction, the other, a woman slightly older than he was, keen to talk to him also. She admitted to having a Voice too, and a greater good They must follow. She wasn't alone, there was work to be done and Oz would be perfect to join them, since they were evidently the same.   Oz was blindfolded for safety, ironing given his blind trust to accept such a thing, and taken deep into a hidden sanctum. People were gathered in long robes, their voices together in prayer sounding much like The Voice that directed him. He was lead to an altar and told that he knows what he must do, given a knife and brought before the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen, a glittering gold moth, wings almost a foot across, it's form held aloft by ethereal binds. Oz was promised this was the next step to his power but in his moment of hesitation he heard a whisper, faint as if muted by distance, The Voice almost sounding desperate telling him to "Run".   Enshrouded in a blessed Sanctuary he reached out and cut the bindings with the weapon he'd been given, it's dark power burning him briefly he cast it aside so he could take the Glittering Moth and hold it safely, fleeing the attempts on his life through winding halls then an open window. He found himself lost to the city in the dead of night, evading danger long enough to gather things from home, leaving a hastily scrawled note;   "People want me dead, I have to leave and they have to know I'm gone. Burn this note and tell everyone I left, disowned, dead, whatever it takes for them to hunt me and not you. I love you ~Oz"   He took what gold he would need, whatever food and drink they had ready he bound up as rations, old man Po threatening to meow the house awake if Oz didn't pick him up, taking what little resistance he had against keeping his oldest friend at his side, then fled for the docks to get on the cheapest boat he could. He would take his mission to the high seas, doing what he could ensure the safety of the Glittering Moth in his care.

Gender Identity

Male, had no time to explore


Had no time to explore


Home schooled by his parents to read and write, how to count money, in using a map and the art of cobbling.   Guided into strict morals by The Voice.


Cobbler - 14 years

Accomplishments & Achievements

Enacted sporadic vigilantism over 8 years.

Failures & Embarrassments

Fell for the trickery of a cult.

Mental Trauma

Exposed to graphic violence as a young adult, forced into dogma and zealotry for an unnamed being.

Intellectual Characteristics

Better at working out kinetic and spacial issues, otherwise has trouble concentrating but is keen to learn practical skills when he can.

Morality & Philosophy

It is not enough to stop Evil deeds as their source is from Evil people, smite them.   Be Good when the world is Good, Do Good when the world needs Good.


Questioning or discussion of faith or intimacy

Personality Characteristics


To destroy evil wherever it is To fulfill whatever Greater Good is asked of him

Likes & Dislikes

Likes having a clear goal Likes quiet days Dislikes compromise

Virtues & Personality perks

Tries to be a good listener Dedicated to his cause

Vices & Personality flaws

Quick to jump to conclusions Will overwork himself towards a goal

Personality Quirks

Easily distracted by troubling thoughts and The Voice, he can often stop paying attention or appear to ignore things From growing up a cobbler he developed a hunched back and slouches


Known to nervously chew on nails and go without bathing when busy with a hunt

Ratty angelic man sporting a silvery-blonde mohawk and a tattooed tiara across his head depicting the sun and the moon, a dappling of glittery silver freckles around his eyes.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
47th Spring 156CF
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5ft 4inches
Known Languages
Common (Learned) Halfling (Learned) Celestial (Instinctive)

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