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Welcome to Sebai- an island alliance consisting of three main civilizations: Danjon, Suna, and Samui. The islands' cultures vary widely and they often don't agree on certain issues, but there is one thing they have in common- a love of trade. Unfortunately, between them lies the infamous Kaizoku Cove where several nations of pirates reside. If these pirates would stop fighting each other and focus their attacks on the vast armada of trading vessels that populate these waters, Sebai would be hard pressed to maintain any semblance of a stable trading enterprise. As it is, the alliance is still capable of maintaining trade routes, granted the waters they tread are extremely perilous.   Due to the highly dangerous nature that trading entails, sailors are, more often than not, the best and brightest Sebai has to offer. All sailors, down to cabin boys, are trained to fight. As the popular Sebanese phrase goes, "Here me all sailors! When the bow points to out sea, pirates there will be." Here, pirate attacks aren't just common; they're expected.   Those who desire to actively hunt pirates can join the Sebanese navy- a nautical force created 30 years ago to protect trading vessels and flush out pirate hideouts. While the navy receives their funds from all three of the Sebanese nations, they are technically independent from the alliance. The nations did this intentionally so that no one country could influence the navy's actions. They instead have their own leadership that oversees and commands all navy operations. Sebanese civilians are encouraged to join the navy "for the good of enterprise."   While the navy does all they can to seek out pirate holes near the islands, they have little power to flush out the root of the problem: Kaizoku Cove. Between the nations sits a massive, circular ring of land called the "Pirate's Protection". At some points it is an imposing wall of mountains stretching far into the sky; at others, it is little more than a sandbar. Regardless, it forms a natural barrier between Sebai and the islands that pirates call home. The only information gleaned about the cove has been the occasional and inconsistent ravings from captured pirates. At the very least, it is understood that within the Pirate's Protection are, at least, three islands where the three Pirate Nations reside. Any ship who has been foolhardy enough to enter Kaizoku Cove in order to learn more has never returned.