
Their primary deity is Gond the god of craft, smithing, and inventiveness.   Despite their obsession with technology they have numerous schools for magic users within the city.   They are considered the Artificer capital of Sebelum, and the leader of all Magitech advancements.
Nebulen, from a distance, appears as a gleaming city of gold and marble, a perfectly cut gem standing in defiance of a chaotic world. Up close however, the cracks become more visible as the pursuit for perfection leaves discord in its wake. The reigning council known as the Oghma Society sought to create a city driven by the intellect of the brightest minds but as decades went on merchants and guilds began to wrest more control of the city of wonders. Deeply indebted to the Merchant Alliance, Zanbar Oghma has been satiating their desire to collect from them by sending out expeditions to uncover anything they can find about the world before the Calamity. During these pursuits, he can further his own goals to expand the knowledge of Nebulen and to avoid the mistakes of those before him.


The city is governed by the Oghma Society. A council of the greatest minds known to Sebelum.


The city is heavily fortified with exterior walls upward of 70 feet tall composed entirely of gealstone. The city has a standing army of nearly 600 soldiers not including its Elite Guard or Scouts.

Industry & Trade

Their primary trade is handled by the Merchant Alliance. They have little natural resources of their own beyond gealstone but being a natural hub for others has brought in significant profit.


Nebulen is split in to the three primary districts, The Housing District located in the southwest, The School District which is housed in the north, and The Merchants District housed in the south east. There are four smaller districts placed within the primary three known as prefectures, this is to encourage relations between the districts and to promote a healthier sociopolitical structure.  
The Housing District contains 75% of all homes within Nebulen. Strongly opposing the separation of housing via nobility or class, Oghma designed the city in a way as to ensure all its citizens would be given equal opportunity and treatment. This design has been circumvented by individuals through the years by means of purchasing additional land and walling off their homes or , following the Residential Business Law, specifically designing businesses to "require" housing within due to their profession. The Remainder live outside the the cities walls in smaller villages or farmsteads to handle livestock and crops.   Closest toward Central Nebulen within the housing district is The Entertainment Prefecture containing theatres, bars, and Mina's Menagerie of Mystical Monsters.  
The School District contains all of Nebulen's primary colleges, Museums, Exhibits, and the western branch of the Artificer's Guild. Housing is provided only to students enrolled who do not have residence within Nebulen to encourage those from other kingdoms seeking new refuge.   Closest towards Central Nebulen within the school district is The Market Prefecture, designed to provide adequate competition against the Merchant Alliance and those within the Merchant's District. Run solely by the Oghma Society, the market prefecture focuses on food, clothes, and basic necessities ensuring that their costs are never pushed to exuberant prices. This also allows the city to provide aid to other villages and kingdoms in times of crisis by donating directly from the market prefecture's supply.  
The Merchants District is privately owned, funded and protected by the Merchant's Alliance. Many disputes have been made over the privatization of nearly one third of the city but due to the economic benefits they've managed to hold on to their shares and control of the city. Most who work within the merchant's district are also housed within under the cities Residential Business Law.   Closest towards Central Nebulen within the merchants district is The Trade Prefecture and The Temple Prefecture.   The Temple Prefecture houses several temples of worship towards the god of craft Gond, the goddess of travel Sonder, and several other deities, some long forgotten.   The Trade Prefecture controls the primary trade between Nebulen and its neighboring kingdoms. The trade prefecture is managed in equal part by the Oghma Society and the Merchant's Alliance since it pertains to both the cities economical health and the Merchant's Alliance trade routes.


There are very few things unobtainable from Nebulen. Being the Merchant Alliance's capital city, trade comes in from all across Sebelum.

Guilds and Factions

Merchants Alliance
Artificers Guild West Branch
Oghma Society

Points of interest

Oghma Society Museum
Madam Myra's Menagerie of Magical Mutations
Temple of Gond


To be Finalized
The architecture resembles 20s Art Deco using white stone (possibly marble) and gold/bronze accents.


Nebulen is built amidst fields of once ancient hills now leveled for farming. To the North are large mountains, the south dense forests, the west the roaring seas, and to the east dense cold areas.


Nebulen has a temperate climate with unusually cold winters.

Natural Resources

The only natural resource of Nebulen is known as Gealstone. A mysterious stone like material used in the crafting of the city. When exposed to magic it emits a bright light and can be fused together similarly to forging metal.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Wonder
Large city