Thunder's Pass

Through the frozen tundra, south of Nebulen, lies a mountain range known as the Frosted Peaks. Once a deadly 3 month climb to Garagos, now is a 2 week journey through Thunder's Pass.

During the march on Garagos, the Legend Rizo confronted the approaching Nebulen army and requested they retreat. Clearly unphased by a single half-elf, the soldiers laughed. The general stepped forth from his troops and tryed to talk reason to Rizo.

"My soldiers have been marching for nearly four tenday around the Frosted Peaks. They are expecting a glorious battle that will put an end to this war, yet a single man stands before us. One man will not make the strongest of Nebulen turn tail and march four tenday back around."

Rizo thought for a second and without breaking eye contact with the general, unleashed a single punch to his side. The air split for a moment causing a thunderous roar that deafened and disorientated the soldiers. After regaining their composure they were left in shock as miles away a single mountain of the Frosted Peaks began to crumble to dust. Rizo spoke calmly with a smug grin.

"Will one man make you retreat for a two tenday march back."

The resulting valley was named after not only Rizo's strike but the unrelenting winds that blow through the valley, echoing thunder through it's peaks.
Mountain Pass