Bermuda Triangle

  The Bermuda triangle is a rumored natural phenomenon that occurs in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean. It is unknown exactly what happens, but, in a particular area, storms are magnified and many planes and boats are reported to have fallen off the radar without a trace.   Many scientists have worked to prove this a myth, but a large majority of people are convinced this is a real concern.   W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. has not explicitly stated that the Bermuda Triangle was at fault, but several agents and opposing operatives have gone missing in the surrounding areas. These MIA occurrences are logged but the exact circumstances of the disappearances are marked as UNKNOWN.


The phenomenon is not particularly visible to the naked eye. When gazing into the horizon, the skies are often normal and clear. The waters are sometimes peaceful as well. But, sometimes, there are very turbulent storms in the area that seem to be magnified at the coordinates of the supposed Bermuda Triangle.


The exact coordinates of this occurrence are not exactly able to be pinpointed directly, but the general area is considered a danger zone to many. When traversing near it, it is advised to stay vigilant and on high alert, steering clear of any storms and staying cautious of anything that seems suspicious or eerie.
Commander McCox gives newbies the rundown:   Well, this is something. Some people believe in it. Some people don't. I'm not going to tell you which way to think, but I am going to tell you to be careful if you ever find yourself on a mission flying or sailing over the western part of the North Atlantic ocean.


Author's Notes


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