Contraria Academy

Known to W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. (especially its SPO division) as "The Opposing School", Contraria Academy specializes in controlling public knowledge. One of its most notable tactics in doing so is implanting ideas in the minds of children to spread out and become well-known to the public.   Contraria advertises itself as an elite place of learning, offering the finest education to children of all ages. The academy is presented as an excellent prepratory school for college. Behind the scenes, they are secretly testing experimental technology on the children including brainwashing methods, mind-controlling devices, and advanced weaponry. It is also rumored that the faculty has invented or gained access to some forms of Time Machinery. None of this is known to the public. Most is solely W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. suspicion.


There is a big focus on rethinking the world, questioning the facts, and contradicting all knowledge. Children are taught to abandon what they have come to know is true and adopt different outlooks that may not make much sense to the average person who approaches the situation with unaltered logic.

Public Agenda

Despite its strange views on certain things that have been established by most as fact, the Contraria Academy has found its place among several elite schools all over the world. It has become a place from which many aspire for their children to receive an education. The Academy is praised for its unique approach to problem solving, investigation, and fact checking.

Demography and Population

People from all over the world enroll their children into Contraria's academic programs. They also allow their kids to participate in various extracurriculary activities hosted by the organization, such as Shady Camp of the Opposing School

Recogitabo Mundum
(rethink the world)

Alternative Names
The Opposing School


Author's Notes


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