Aakraman Kollege Kampus

This is the underground area where Aakraman Karma conducts its business. These so-called Kampuses exist all over India, but they are all interconnected using a series of pathways and tunnels unseen by the average person. Only those who are intensely familiar with the Aakraman organization are able to map out where everything is. Many "students" and employees of the Kollege are not even aware of the exitways. The Aakraman Kompany does not want them to escape, nor do they want family members of those held hostage or people who have been kidnapped to be easily rescued.


A vast majority of those who stay on Kampus are children and teenagers. Aakraman Karma uses kids mainly because they are cheap and easy to leverage away from their families. Outwardly, the organization says that they are focused on young minds as growing brains tend to learn and catch on faster than those who are already stuck in their ways.


There are several posted guards everywhere within and without the Kampus. These are in place to discourage Kollege Students from escaping or wandering to places that are off limits to them.


There are several districts around all of India, but their names, locations, and exact coordinates are not known to the average person. Neither are these things known to inhabitants of the Kampus. Only internal management has access to what each of the districts are called and refer to them with secret codes.   Many of these locations are underground and it is easy for the Kollege Students to lose all track of time and direction as they grow up in these networks. Living quarters (though they are not in the best of conditions) exist so that those who stay at the Kampus can work and study most hours of the day without leaving to the outside world. Still, it is speculated that the mapping of the channels is represented in the microchip logo of the company, but no one has been able to prove the theory or figure out which section of the microchip they are even in.


Each Kollege Kampus is filled with the most high-tech Komputer equipment. Many locations are considered too hot or too cold for some, but the management does not show concern for personal comfort. Their main focus is to make sure hacking is being conducted and money is being made.

Alternative Name(s)
The Hacking
Underground / Vault
There are several inhabitants. Many of these are people who were indebted to the Kompany working hard to pay off what they supposedly owe. It has been said that there are hundreds if not thousands of "students" and employees at the Kampus.
Inhabitant Demonym
Hackers, Kollege Students, Indebted
Owning Organization


Author's Notes


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