Abandoned Warehouse

A building associated with governance, leadership or change

Purpose / Function

This warehouse in Dublin was initially used to hold goods to be sold. Long ago, it was abandoned. Many years passed and no one cared to have it fixed up. Over time, it became more and more dilapidated. Several of its windows were broken or cracked, dust invaded its interior, and animals began taking up residence.   Some people on the streets would utilize the building for shelter to sleep in or other various activities. Curious children would venture into it on dares that it was haunted.   Most recently, a group of ambassador assistants used the facility to host secret meetings to go over plans of overturning governments from the inside out. They used their status as translators and other aides to get confidential information on things that were happening. Then, they conferred with each other in private and concocted elaborate schemes.


There are three sets of large doors that were initially used for transporting goods and driving trucks in and out, in addition to two entry doors for workers to get into the building. There have since been more 'entrances' added through broken windows and holes in the wall.

Contents & Furnishings

There are pipes and electric wires still in place that work only because utilities have been hijacked from nearby establishments to make the facility useful for the ambassador assistants' needs. There are some fold out tables and chairs that can easily be wheeled away if need be. They often illuminate their meetings by candlelight as they set up in the basement in the evenings.


The building is quite plain. There are five stories above ground and a basement level. Many of the windows are large and chipped or busted from various rocks being thrown at them. Graffiti can be found on the outside and interior walls of the facility.


There are no built-in defenses, but the ambassador assistants have since implemented several alarm systems and posted guards at certain positions in the building.

Work in Progress!

It was already abandoned when the assistants and translators of the ambassadors decided to use it as a meeting place.


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