GMG Vulture Bees

Vulture Bees are a carnivorous insects that consume decaying carcasses. The W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. scientists have experimented on the species and developed a Genetically Modified Guardian version to populate secluded areas such as Dionaea Muscipula and help ward off intruders and minimize prison escapes.   These bees thankfully have not been seen firsthand by many of the agency's operatives, but the knowledge of their existence has put fear into many. It is unclear exactly how they have been altered, but by the original animal already being considered somewhat terrifying, most are reluctant to figure out what Scientists have done to 'enhance' the so-called Guardians.   The organization has not been open with the information anyways, as there are no official papers highlighting what the experiments have resulted in. This comes as a relief and a worry to different operatives, as some people would rather know the exact features of the insect rather than leaving it all open to the horrors of the imagination.   Since the finished product has not been seen by most, it is often assumed that the scientists have altered more friendly-looking bees such as bumblebees to take on the ravenous nature of the vulture bees, which in turn scares even more people.

Commander McCox gives newbies the rundown:   This company can really be...weird. Why would you go and scientifically alter some carnivorous bees? What are they doing? Trying to pitch the next horror movie? Sometimes those Scientists are too much for me. I just stay here with my desk and my agents and my crimes and my bombs and my global threats that don't sound like the plot of an apocolyptic thriller film from 1960, thank you very much.


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