
To whom it may concern,

  File Record 'j8q9sa54' populated in our database and we have traced it back to your department. It is imperative that you contact us immediately. We believe that an operative in your department has gone rogue. The threat must be neutralized immediately.   As a note, File Records such as 'j8q9sa54' populate when access in official W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. database systems have been breached, specifically when an attempt has been made to circumvent security measures using the company's own technologies such as Lianas. Such activities are forbidden and operatives who engage will be contacted immediately and will consequently experience repercussion measures.  
  A public announcement went out to say that students are not allowed to snoop around in confidential W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. databases. This was previously broadcast to all operatives company-wide.   Following this, a private message went out to those individuals directly related to the suspected culprit, Lin Vu. Lin, who was confronted on the matter, denied all accusations.
Commander McCox gives newbies the rundown:   Oh, come on, man. Did you do something we told you not to do? Please tell me you did not do something we told you not to do. Are you trying to get eliminated already? You just got here!
Record, Logbook


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