Volcanic Islands

Volcanic islands are a natural phenomena that seldom occurs. The process involves active volcanoes errupting under or around a large body of water. When the molten lava exits the boiling recess within the earth through the mouth of the volcano, it instantly begins to cool. This cooling process is often sped along by water. As the lava cools, it returns to its solid rock form. These newly created rocks sometimes shape into islands on the surface of the water. The islands may be temporary, or last for a long time, depending on certain conditions.   While the creation of volcanic islands seems like a constructive process, it is also known to be considered a natural disaster. There have been times where a volcano has chosen to errupt at an inopportune time. If animals or people are in the area, be it on nearby land, in or on the water, or even in the air above the eruption, catastrophic consequences may ensue.   It is also considered destructive when a created island is unable to stablize. The waters surrounding it erode the rock mass until it is weak and crumbles back into the sea which can cause trouble for any beings who have discovered the land and are attempting to traverse it or make it into their habitat.


Many volcanic islands form at times when no one is observing the process but, on rare occasions, it has been witnessed live. The event can vary in nature from slow eruption of lava leaking over the water, to violent explosion of an underwater volcano that blasts lava up to the surface in a dramatic display.


The event can only occur in a location that is near one or more active volcanoes. Loam is one of the island groups that regularly receives new additions due to several active underwater volcanoes.

Geographic Location | Jul 27, 2024
Military Conflict | Jul 26, 2024
Commander McCox gives newbies the rundowm:   Have you ever seen a volcanic island being created? That is a site to see. The lava shoots up out of the water and then starts turning into solid rock. Imagine standing on a piece of land that wasn't there before. Science is fascinating.   One time, during a Cholla, it was broadcast live! I was at the edge of my seat. Almost dropped my popcorn bowl on the floor. One of the Cacti teams was caught right up in the middle of it. It almost felt like that movie where the villain was killing all the superheroes. I was yelling at the screen but they cut the broadcast. Said we'd have to wait until next year for part two.   Wait.   Or was that the movie?   I forget.   Anyways, what were we talking about again?


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