You Fail, You Die


Many operatives, especially Introductory Interns and Junior Sprouts belive that, if they fail their test missions, they will be ended in real life, be that by the threat itself within the test, or by W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. as a company after the fact.   Though this is a widespread suspicion, no case has ever been presented or percieved with solid evidence of these supposed claims.
Commander McCox gives newbies the rundown:   Listen. You, being an Introductory Intern and all, are probably getting nervous because you've heard people saying stuff like "You Fail, You Die", right? But, I'm tellin' you, kid. That's just not true. You're gonna be okay. Trust me. It's not like the end of your test is the end of the world or something.   Now, don't get me wrong. These tests are no joke. They're going to be super challenging because the purpose is to test your skills and help you to be your best. But, that's the whole thing. The intent is to help you learn. So W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. really wants you to be alright so you can do better. That only makes sense.   Don't think this means you can slack off and not study or train for your tests. These tests are serious business. You need to make sure you pass. Whatever you do, pass. Okay? Look. I like you, kid, and I know I said you'll be okay if you fail, but...just don't. Okay? Better safe than sorry, you know.   No pressure.


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