Astral Species in Secrets of Sol | World Anvil
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Astral (As-strul)

People of the Stars

The Low-Gravity humans.




Astrals tend to be larger . On average 6'5ft or 2 meters in height. Their weight tend to be around 250lbs - 450lbs (158kg - 275kg)  


Astral walking speed is 30 feet.  

Low-G Speed

Astrals ignore the difficult terrain of Low Gravity. Additionally while in Zero Gravity their speed is only reduced to half their normal speed.  


-Radiation Resistance-

With centuries worth of generations in space the Astral faction of humans has developed a natural resistance to radiation. Astrals receive resistance to Radiation Damage.  

Low-Light VISION

In the past, some Astrals received genetic modification from Filtman groups and this gave them the ability to see in lower light levels. Astrals have 60ft of Darkvision as a result.  


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