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Basic Actions & Reactions

These are the basic Actions and Reactions any creature can perform in and out of combat.  


Actions are always used during a creature's turn. They usually have no requirement for using them. An action always takes one action die to use unless otherwise specified by the action. The same action cannot be used more than once unless otherwise specified.  


Type: Attack, Action
Using this action you choose one piece of equipment you have with the "weapon" type to make an attack with it. Your attack gains the types from the weapon used.  

Unarmed Attack

Type: Attack, Melee, Action
  Using this action you attack a target within 5ft of you using your limbs. The damage roll for this attack doesn't have a die instead it does Kinetic damage equal to half your small melee skill.  

Improvised Attack

Type: Attack, Melee, Action
  Using this action you attack a target with an unconventional weapon, this could be a rock, metal pipe, or any other random piece of junk. You can attack a target within 5ft of you or throw the object up to 30ft. The damage roll for this attack is 1d4 + half your melee skill.  


Type: Action, Range
  Using this action you throw an object up to 30ft away from you.   If you are targeting a creature or are throwing something intending to deal damage this action gains the "attack" type and becomes an attack action.
  • If the object you are throwing has the "weapon" and "throwable" types then this attack uses the rules from the weapon.
  • If the object you are throwing lacks the "weapon" and "throwable" types then your attack follows the rules of an Improvised Attack.


Type: Action, Attack
  Using this action you attempt to push a creature within 5ft of you. The creature must be your size or smaller.   You target this creature then roll an Might Skill Roll and your target makes a Might Skill Roll, they choose. If your roll is equal to or greater than your target's roll they are push 5ft in any direction of your choice.  


Type: Action, Movement, Zero-Gravity
You can only use this action when in Zero Gravity.   Using this action, you launch yourself off an object and move up to half your normal speed in non-Zero Gravity environments.   You may use this action more than once.  


Type: Action, Movement
  Using this action you move up to half your speed.  

Steady Aim

Type: Action, Buff
  Using this action you receive advantage on the next ranged attack you make this turn.   After using this action if you move before using a ranged attack you lose advantage.  


Type: Action, Buff
  Using this action you target a creature within 5ft and give them advantage on the next skill roll they make.  


Type: Action, Stealth
  Using this action you attempt to hide from the perception of others. Make a Skill Roll with your Stealth skill. You are successfully hidden from a creature if your skill roll is equal to or greater than their Observation skill. You receive the Hidden condition on a successful roll.   To hide you must have a cover near you or be able to obscure yourself.  


Type: Action
  Using this action you choose an action from your available actions and attempt to wait to use it until a specific event occurs. This action gains all the types and rules of the chosen action. Your held action can be used as a reaction but you may not perform any reaction except the dodge reaction before you use the held action.   If the specified event does not occur before the start of your next turn then you lose this action. If the action can only be used a limited number of times per full rest then this counts as using it.   If you hold an attack action then that counts as your attack action for your turn.  


Type: Observation, Action
  Using this action you carefully look around yourself. You make a Skill roll using your Observation Skill and initiate the following Skill Challenges:
  • Creatures who are hidden from you must make a Stealth Skill Challenge against your Observation Skill roll.
  • Objects that are hidden from you are revealed if their Stealth Challenge is equal to or less than your Observation Skill roll.


Type: Physical, Action, Attack
  Using this action you target a creature within 5ft of you which is no bigger than one more size than you. You make an Athletics Skill Roll and your target makes an Acrobatics or Athletics Skill Roll, they choose. If your roll is equal to or greater than your target's roll they receive the Grappled condition.   Using an action the grappled creature can attempt to break free. You both repeat the same rolls from before except if their roll is equal to or greater than your roll they lose the Grappled Condition.   You must have at least one free hand to do this.

Free Actions

The following are Actions you can use without using an action die. However, if you want to use one more than once you must use an action die.  


You flip a switch, move an object, or open a door.  


You unlock and open a locked object, door, or surface so long as you have the key or passcode.  

Pick Up

You grab an object or take an object out of something.  

Drop an Item

Dropping an item in your space or within 5ft  

Drop Prone

You gain the Prone condition.  


Reactions can be used at any point in a round. They usually always have requirements that you must meet before you can use them. A reaction always takes one action die to use unless otherwise specified by the reaction. The same reaction cannot be used more than once unless otherwise specified.  


Type: Reaction, Physical
You attempt to dodge a physical attack.   If you are being targeted by an attack that has the "physical" type you may attempt to dodge it. Roll an Acrobatics Skill Challenge against the damage being dealt to you. Then subtract your roll from the damage being dealt to you. If the damage is reduced to 0 then you take no damage, if not you take all leftover damage.   You can use this reaction multiple times.  


Type: Reaction, Instantaneous
You don't have time to dodge but you can still brace for the damage.   If a source is dealing you damage with the "instantaneous" type you may attempt to withstand some of the damage. Roll a Might Skill Challenge against the damage being dealt to you. Then subtract your roll from the damage being dealt to you. If the damage is reduced to 0 then you take no damage, if not you take all leftover damage.   You can use this reaction multiple times.  


Type: Reaction, Mental
You strengthen your mind momentarily.   If a source is dealing you damage with the "mental" type you may attempt to withstand some of the damage. Roll an Endurance Skill Challenge against the damage being dealt to you. Then subtract your roll from the damage being dealt to you. If the damage is reduced to 0 then you take no damage, if not you take all leftover damage.   You can use this reaction multiple times.  


Type: Reaction, Physical
You attempt to slow a creature running by you.   When a creature within 5ft of you attempts to move away from you may use this reaction .   When using this reaction you target the creature moving away from you and roll an Acrobatics Skill Roll. Your target makes an Athletics or Acrobatics Skill Roll. If your roll is greater than or equal to your targets you successfully slow them down.   The target's current speed is reduced by half on a success.   You can only use this reaction once per round.


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