Brawler Profession in Secrets of Sol | World Anvil
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A combat specialist who isn't worried about throwing fists in a tricky situation. Brawler is a broad term for warriors, Tacticians, and combat specialists. A brawler can be a master of a dozen weapons but only need their fists to take down an enemy. Trained for battle brawlers are always prepared. As a result, they are never too far from a weapon.   Brawlers tend to be hired muscle or instructors for groups of soldiers. Because of this, they tend to go where the money is. But there are some who become loyal to a cause. When this happens even the stars grow scared. Many battles have been won by a competent Brawler entering the fray at the last moment. Being underestimated is this class's greatest advantage.  

Level 1 Breakdown

Class Skills

The path to becoming a Brawler takes careful mastery of battle and as for this, you have the following skill increases.
Skill Points
Weapon Skill of your choice +2
Another Weapon Skill of your choice +2
Tactician Skill of your choice +1

Here's Some More

Type: Action, Buff
  As an Action after performing an Attack Action, you may perform another Attack Action. This Attack however uses a single d4 instead of its other damage dice. The associated skill modifying the attack is also reduced to half rounded down.   If this attack would deal damage that would lower an ability score it can only lower a score by 1.  

Battle Hardened

Type: Ability, Buff
Your encounters with conflict in the past have trained your body to react to violence in a defensive way.   At the start of combat, prior to rolling Initiative for the combat order, you roll 1d10. The resulting total is added to your Hit Points and Hit Point Values.   This ability only activates if your Hit Point Maximum is equivalent to your Hit Points at the start of combat.  

Everything is a Weapon

Type: Action, Attack, Physical
Just about anything in your hands can be classified as a deadly weapon, even your empty hand.   As an Action, you may make an Unarmed Attack or an Improvised Armed Attack. When making this attack you roll the Action Die when determining damage with the attack instead of the attack's normal damage die.


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