Character Creation Character in Secrets of Sol | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Character Creation

Your character is how you interact with the world and how it will interact with you. So make sure you make the character that best fits the way you want to play.  

Creating Ability Scores

There are 5 values that represent the character's physical and mental abilities.
Ability Traits
Strength Bodily Power
Dexterity Agility, Balance
Constitution Stamina, Vitality
Charisma Confidence, Eloquence
Fortitude Mental Acuity, Cleverness

Roll Values

For each score, the player will roll three d4s and then add their totals together. Place that total into the value of the Ability. During character creation, the player may take each total and switch it between the scores. These totals will represent your character's base values before their adventures. These scores also collectively represent a character's Health.  

Choosing A Faction

A faction in Secrets of Sols isn't necessarily the player's race but is the genetic origin of the player's character. There are many factions to choose from. They each come with inherited features. These are enhancements that allowed the character's ancestors to better thrive in their environment.   Playable Factions are below. Look for the "Faction Traits" section on each faction to get the character sheet components.
Faction Description
Earthling Humans who are nearly identical to their ancestors
except for their enhanced sturdiness after centuries of
Biokin The path of bionic augmentation has created this faction
and prepared their bodies to better handle mechanical
Filtman Genetic alterations through a mix of careful study and
limitless chaos has led to this resilient faction of Man.
Born to withstand harsh atmospheres and untold dangers.
Astral A faction of humans who have been altered by their time
in lower gravity and centuries of radiation exposure. They
dominate the stars with their careful maneuvers.
Humanist Za'uc Though they aren't human these mechanized aliens have
an affection for humans. Their durable metal bodies can
often be seen built in the shape of their human idols.

Choosing A Class

Each class provides a different style of gameplay and will have specific ability scores tied to their abilities.
Class Description Primary Ability Score
Ace The Star traveler who has given their
time to mastering their signature object.
A roguish adventurer of the stars.
Charisma or Dexterity
Alchemist Those who devote themselves to learning
to control the transmutative properties
of the Opus Stone.
Brawler A warrior of the time who is skilled with
using a multitude of weapons.
Strength or Dexterity
Stellar Mage Master wielders of the Opus Stone who
focus the stone's destructive forces.
Oracle A mage who studies the Opus Stone's
interactions with the wielder's mind.
Divining unseen knowledge from these studies.
Technician A specialist who is dedicated to their
passion for one specific skill.
Any Score

Maximum Hit Points

A character has a certain number of Maximum Hit Points which is the amount of damage they can sustain before they are seriously injured. Maximum Hit Points can be altered by armor, augmentations, and more. Once a character's Hit Points are completely gone attacks will start to target their ability scores. If any two scores would ever reach 0 your character would die.   Each character naturally has 10 maximum hit points.   After a full rest, you regain hit points up to their maximum hit points. You can only ever be healed up to your maximum hit points.  


Augmentations are alterations made to a character's body at some point in their life. These can be either from an unfortunate accident or the character has chosen this for themselves. These aren't required for characters but some players may wish to add these augmentations to their character sheets. The Game Master will inform players if they are allowed a number of starting Augmentations for free from the start of the game. Otherwise, only specific feats or factions will be given starting Augmentations without paying.   Look at the Augmentations page for a list of available options.  

Augmentation Cost

It's important to note that augmentation isn't completely safe if taken too far. For each augmentation taken, a player must move one point from the Parent Stat, under the augmentation, to the Augmentation Value. The Augmentation Value has no limit, however, a character can never remove points from an Ability score if that score would become 0.   Some Augmentations are vulnerable to direct attack too. Enemies who can sometimes attempt to hack Mechanized augmentations or inhibited Biological augmentations. Plan around this if you can or always be observant of what kind of enemy you are facing.  


Skills breakdown a character's specialties in a numerical format. They also determine what you can add to your rolls for each skill. There are two types of skills, Learned and Inherited.  

Inherited Skills

These are directly changed by your core abilities. They represent the natural skill level a character may have in a skill without having any training. For each Inherited Skill, take the total value of its Parent Stat and add that value to the skill. You can identify the Parent Stat of each by checking the Skill lists on the Skill Breakdown page. An inherited skill will never be 0 and at early levels they will be decently larger than your Learned Skills.  

Learned Skills

These are not changed by your character's ability scores. They are the skills that a character has had to dedicate practice and learning to. Their values will increase as you identify your character's origins, class, and profession.  

Choose Origin

Every character comes from somewhere so picking a location will help determine the skills they learned from an early age. The following are common origins throughout the Sol System in Secrets of Sol.
Origin Skill Increase
Earth +1 History, +1 Immunity
Mars +1 Engineer, +1 Athletics
Venus +1 Medical, +1 Endurance
Luna +1 Physics, +1 Observation
Port Carth +1 Tech, +1 Persuasion
Ceres +1 Engineer, +1 Deception
Vesta +1 Navigation, +1 Stealth
Pallas +1 Nimble, +1 Athletics
Hygiea +1 Religion, +1 Might
Titan +1 Chemical, +1 Immunity
Ganymede +1 Biology, +1 Might
Callisto +1 Small Arms, +1 Intimidation
Europa +1 Small Rover, +1 Observation
Nomadic +1 Observation, +1 Religion
Corporate Station +1 History, +1 Persuasion
Independent Station +1 Stealth, +1 Small Ship Piloting


Most Characters have a profession that provides them with a set of gear at the start of their adventure. Professions aren't classes, rather these are the jobs where the player's made their money before committing to whatever adventure they find themselves on.
Profession Skill Increase Credits Gear
Contract Caster +2 Any Arcane Skill, +1 Observation 3d10x5 Datapad, Luxury Clothes, A Small Melee Weapon
Criminal +1 Stealth, +1 Tech, +1 Nimble 2d10x5 Hacking Tools, Casual Clothes, A Small Weapon
Engineer +2 Engineering, +1 Immunity 3d10x5 Utility Clothes, A Small Weapon
Entertainer +1 Performance, +1 Persuasion, +1 Deception 4d10x5 Luxury Clothes, Casual Clothes, A Small Melee Weapon
Researcher +1 Any Scholar Skill, +1 Tech, +1 Observation 3d10x7 Casual Clothes, A Small Weapon
Medic +2 Medical, +1 Endurance 3d10x8 Utility Clothes, A Small Weapon
Mercenary +1 Medium Melee, +1 Any Weapon Skill, +1 Might 3d10x3 Combat Clothes, A Medium Weapon
Merchant +1 History, +1 Persuasion, +1 Intimidation 3d10x8 A Small Weapon, Luxury Clothes
Pilot +1 Vehicle Skill, +1 Navigation, +1 Observation 3d10x4 A Small Weapon, Utility Clothes
Soldier +1 Medium Arms, +1 Small Melee, +1 Athletics or Acrobatics 3d10x4 Small Armor, Combat Clothes
Wandering Caster +1 Any Arcane Skill, +1 Persuasion, +1 Stealth 1d10x6 A Small Melee Weapon, Casual Clothes
Corporate Employee +1 Any Scholar Skill, +1 Endurance, +1 Persuasion 2d10x10 Casual Clothes, A Small Melee Weapon, A Datapad
Cult Member +1 Any Social Skill, +1 Any Arcane Skill, +1 Deception 1d10x4 Casual Clothes, A Small Melee Weapon
Contract Servant +1 Performance, +1 Immunity, +1 Acrobatics 3d10x4 Luxury Clothes, A Small Weapon, A Datapad
Guard +1 Medium Melee, +1 Investigation, +1 Observation 2d10x6 Utility Clothes, A Medium Melee Weapon, Small Armor
Unemployed +1 Any Weapon Skill, +1 Nimble, +1 Deception 2d10x2 Casual Clothes, A Small Weapon
To find specifics about each piece of gear visit the Equipment page.  

Additional Customization

This section allows character creation to go a step further and add a bit more uniqueness to each character. Below is listed a few additional options every player should make before finishing their character sheet.  

More Skills

Characters have lived in this world for some time before their adventure starts, therefore it only makes sense they would have picked up additional skills through their time. Because of this players are given 8 additional skill points they can distribute among their Learned Skills with a maximum of 2 points to any skill. Keep in mind that these points represent the time your character has spent training these skills so adjust your backstory accordingly. Check the Skill list on the Skill Breakdown page.  

A Feat

A feat is an additional special capability a character has as a result of their past. Every character starts with a free feat. Look through the Feats list to choose. Do note that some feats have prerequisites the character must meet before they can have the feat.    

More Equipment

This customization is optional but your Game Master may allow you to exchange your starting currency for equipment before your first game. If this is allowed go through the equipment lists and see if there is anything in your budget. EquipmentList.    

Define Your Character

Give your character the depth they'll need. Come up with a backstory, a visual description, and a name.  


Finally, write a backstory for your character and have your Game Master review it. Some of the following questions should help you better describe your character.
  • What is your relationship with your family like?
  • Do you have any friends or allies? Who are they?
  • Have you made enemies or rivals? Who are they?
  • What do you find entertaining?
  • What do you fear?
  • What do you wish for?

Visual Description

Describe how your character looks. It's important that your fellow players and Game Master know how to imagine your character. Feel free to include as many details as you wish. Here are some questions to answer to help you describe your character.
  • What expression does your face normally have?
  • What color are your eyes?
  • What is your hair like if you have any?
  • Facial Hair?
  • What color is your skin?
  • How tall are you?
  • Any noticeable Augmentations?
  • What sort of posture does your character normally have?


A name is one of the most important things in this world. Legends live longer than anything else and what the people call you will matter. Some characters will just have a first and last name, while some may just have a first name, or others may choose to give themselves a nickname. Your culture will of course influence your name so make sure to take that into account. But feel free to choose whichever name you wish.


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