BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Feat Breakdown

Feats are additional special capabilities of a character as a result of their actions. They add options for even more unique specializations that can aid players in and out of combat. Each feat is a representation of the character's experience in a field outside their class.   At certain levels, you get to choose a new feat for free so long as you meet the prerequisites. The acquisition of this feat should be represented in the game as your character having a new interest in a capability and pursuing it further. Each feat can only be taken once unless otherwise specified.   An additional way your character may acquire a feat is by active learning in the game. You Game Master may feel it necessary to reward your character for dedicating time to learning this new ability and give you the specific feat you seek. It's important to discuss this with your Game Master to ensure that both parties are aware of the character's intended progression.



Great Sight

Prerequisites: Your Observation is 5 or higher. You don't have the Eye Unit augmentation.
You have exceptional sight, you gain the following benefits:
  • Your visions are increased by 10ft.
  • You have advantage when using the Observe action.

Gifted Mind

Prerequisites: Your Fortitude is an 8 or higher
You have exceptional mental recall allowing you to gain the following benefits:
  • Spread 3 skill points to your Learned Skills as you wish.
  • You have advantage on Persuasion skill rolls when arguing a point.

Ring Fighter

Prerequisite: Your Small Melee skill must be 2 or higher.
In your past, you fought in the fighting rings, you gain the following benefits:
  • Your Melee skill is increased by +2.
  • When making an Unarmed Attack you roll 1d6 with the damage roll.


Prerequisite: Your Small Arms skill is 2 or higher.
When drawing your sidearm no one's faster, you gain the following benefits:
  • Your Small Arms skill is increased by +2.
  • When attacking with Small weapons your target's Dodge reactions are reduced by -2.


Prerequisite: Your Mediums Arms skill is 3 or higher
You account for distance when firing your weapon like no other, you gain the following benefits:
  • Your Medium Arms skill is increased by +2.
  • The range of Medium weapons you used is increased by 10ft.

Drone Commander

Prerequisite: Your Fortitude score is 9 or higher
You have experience with commanding AI, you gain the following benefits:
  • You can command 2 AI simultaneously instead of just 1 in combat, as long as the second AI is in a small chassis or none combat chassis.
  • The second AI takes its turn in combat after the previous AI.

Steel is Better than Flesh

Prerequisite: You Augmentation stat is a 4 or higher.
You have decided to take on the path of steel, you gain the following benefits:
  • Having a 0 in any ability score doesn't give you a burden.
  • If you have a 0 in two ability score's you don't die.
  • When you would roll 1d4 or 1d6 to remove points from an ability score roll a percentile die roll, on a 50% or lower you roll for your Augmentation Stat instead.
  • When your Augmentation Stat is 0 you die instantly.


Prerequisite: None
You're an excellent runner, you gain the following benefits:
  • When you use the Dash action you can move up to your speed instead of half your speed.
  • Your Speed is increased by 5ft.


Prerequisite: None
You have dedicated careful study to your skills, you gain the following benefits:
  • You learn another language of your choice.
  • Spread 4 skill points to your Learned Skills as you wish.

Exceptionally Healthy

Prerequisite: None
Your health is impeccable, you gain the following benefits:
  • Add +10 to your Hit Point Maximum.

Technician Feats

Experimental Substance

Prerequisites: Your character must have the Technician class, You have Lab Tools, Your Biology Skill must be a 3 or higher
You are capable of testing the limits of what is possible in biology, if only temporarily.   As an Action, you may produce 1d4 vials of the Experimental Substance.   Experimental Substance
Type: Buff, Effect, Consumable
When a creature consumes this fluid they gain an Augmentation which has the "Biological" type but lacks the "Premium" type for 1 hour. If this item is not consumed within 24 hours after being created it breakdown and becomes useless.   Once you use this feature you can use it again until your next full rest.  

Corrosive Reaction

Prerequisites: Your character must have the Technician class, You have Lab Tools, Your Chemical Skill must be a 3 or higher
You're capable of making a horrible mixture with your eyes closed.   At the end of a full rest, you can produce a set number of Catalyst Grenades. The number increases with your level. After 24 hours these grenades lose their abilities and become useless.
Level Number of Grenades
1 3
3 4
6 5
9 6
Catalyst Grenades
Type: Weapon, Thrown, Explosive, Effect, Consumable
When using the Throw Action with these, the Grenades have a violent reaction on contact with a surface. When the grenades combust they deal 2d6 + your Chemical Skill value worth of Acid damage to everything within 5ft. Each creature within this range must make a Dexterity Ability Challenge against the damage rolled. Each creature that succeeds takes half damage.

Rough Job

Prerequisites: Your character must have the Technician class, You have Engineering Tools, Your Engineering Skill must be a 3 or higher
You can see the potential upgrades wherever you look.   You may enhance a piece of equipment with the Weapon type. This weapon adds a d6 to its damage rolls until you end your next full rest.   Once you use this feature you can use it again until your next full rest.  

Improved Healing

Prerequisites: Your character must have the Technician class, You have Medical Tools, Your Medical Skill must be a 3 or higher
You are a proficient doctor and have the skills to prove it.
  • When you use your Medical Tools to heal you instead roll a d10 when calculating the success of the healing.
  • When determining how much you heal when using Medical Tools you add your Medical Skill value to the total.
  • If you get Complete Success when healing with the Medical Tools you heal 1d4 Ability Score points additionally.

Wave Finder

Prerequisites: Your character must have the Technician class, You have Lab Tools, Your Physics Skill must be a 3 or higher
  While wielding your Lab Tools you have TremorSense up to 15ft.   You can use your Lab Tools to perform two special actions:   Output
Type: attack, physical, ranged, action
You send a series of waves of lethal energy at a target within 30ft. The target is dealt 1d6 + your physics skill. The damage type depends on the environment. If in a vacuum you deal radiation damage. In any other environment you deal force damage.   Input
Type: recon, action, careful
you run vibrations through a surface within 5ft of you. This process takes 1 minute to complete. You learn of any open spaces or walls within 30ft of you.  

Wired Mind

Prerequisites: Your character must have the Technician class, You have a Datapad, Your Tech Skill must be a 3 or higher
You have a way with wires and data unlike most. As a result, completing certain tasks are simple.
  • You can perform the Hacking type actions and "Prepared Hack" ability using Datapad.
  • When performing the Hacking type actions you roll with advantage.
  • When using a "Tech" type weapon you may add your tech skill to the damage roll instead of the associated weapon skill.


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