Federated Venus Organization in Secrets of Sol | World Anvil
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Federated Venus

The collective government of the City-States of Venus.


Venus is controlled by a dual parliament system. One parliament is made of city-state representatives and the other is made of corporate leaders. One is called the "Citizen's Hall" and the other the "Leader's Hall".


Venus is in a state of regret in a way. Its culture is built on the belief that Science should inherently lead social growth. After the Genesis War Venus had to make reparations to many factions in the solar system. This occurred over a period of nearly fifty years and had a huge influence on society.

Public Agenda

Venus is known to be the leader in biological sciences. Most of its massive corporations lead in genetic sciences, producing new species of plants to assist in terraforming for other planetary environments.

Built for Prosperity

Founding Date
2369 AE
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Venus, Bioland


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