Opus Stone Item in Secrets of Sol | World Anvil
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Opus Stone (O-piS)

If magic exists in the universe then an Opus Stone is how we use it. The heavily regulated trade of these stones has made the acquisition of them a very tricky matter. Any Astral Mage, Alchemist, or bender of science must possess one of these stones to perform their work. They are the key to the unknown science of the cosmos.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The science of how an Opus stone truly works is vague at best and only understood by the highest level of scientists at the Idris Company. However, there are organizations that have made it their mission to understand the stone's many uses. The stones can aid their user in manipulating the mind and body of a creature. For much more capable users the stone can even enable users to manipulate matter of objects.

Manufacturing process

The origin and creation of these stones are completely unknown to nearly all people. Only the highest echelon of the Idris Company knows this information.


These stones allow the user to twist certain aspects of reality. They essentially allow for the use of magic by enabling the user to manipulate things around them.
Item type
Any Opus Stone not sold by the Idris Company tends to be considered a cheap imitation. Due to one company holding complete control over the distribution of the stones they are quite rare in the galaxy. There are also different colors of the stones and the rarity only increases based on color.
Color Rarity
Red Common
Orange Common
Yellow Common
Green Rare
Blue Rare
Indigo Extremely Rare
Violet Legendary


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