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Stellar Mage


Stellar Mages are those who seek to make space a tool for their own machinations. Unlike the other wielders of the Opus Stone a Stellar Mage is trained to manipulate the stone to their demand without hesitation. Many students of the practice don't survive the training due to the stone's potential strain on the mind of the Stellar Mage. But those who survive become capable of great acts that once seemed impossible.   In the societies forming in the newest era, Stellar Mages tend to number few and are never far from a wealthy benefactor. It can be a sign of pride for some companies or private groups to have a Stellar Mage in their services. With their ability to easily manipulate the mind, they make very capable bodyguards and combatants for the elite. Stellar Mages can also be found working in the leading fields of research, using their powers to experiment with the extremes of science more quickly. However Stellar Mages may still find themselves working in more domestic roles.  

Level 1 Breakdown

Class Skills

The Stellar Mage as a result of their training receives the following skill increases.
Skill Points
Astrology +1
Alchemical +1
Performance +1
Melee +1

Energy Bending

Type: Attack, Physical, Action, Opus Stone
Stellar Mages put their will into the Opus Stone in order to alter the flow of energy in a creature or a space.   As an Action, you target an object or a creature within 60ft. You then choose to increase or decrease the energy around the target. This corresponds to dealing either cold or fire damage to the target.   If the Target is a creature they must make an Endurance Skill Challenge against the damage rolled by the attack. On a success, the target is dealt half damage damage.   At every other level the amount of energy you can manipulate in order to deal damage increases.
Level Damage Dice
1 1d8 + Alchemical
3 2d8 + Alchemical
5 3d8 + Alchemical
7 4d8 + Alchemical
9 5d8 + Alchemical

Pressure Snap

Type: Attack, instantaneous, Action, Opus Stone
You place your focus into space and alter the pressure in the air.   As an Action, you target a point within 30ft of you that you can see and cause a minor explosion of pressure. Each creature within 10ft must succeed in a Might Skill Challenge against the damage rolled or be moved 5ft and fall prone. The explosion deals Force damage equal to a number of d6 equal to your level + your Astrology Skill.   You may perform this Action a limited number of times depending on your level before you need a Short Rest.
Level Number of Uses
1 2
5 3

Mind Twisting

Type: Attack, Mental, Action, Effect, Opus Stone
With careful focus, you manipulate the energy within the mind of people.   You can telepathically speak to anyone within 30ft of you.   As an Action, you target a creature within 30ft and cause one of the following effects below. These effects remain in place for as long as you use an Action Die per round to maintain it, each time you do so you may change the effect.
  • You can't be seen by the creature.
  • On the creature's turn, they perceive a threat in a location of your choosing within 60ft of them.
  • You may take away one of the creature's Action Die for their next turn.
You can only perform this action a number of times per day equal to your level.   The result also ends early if the connection is interrupted by any of the following, you are more than 30 from the target, the target becomes unconscious, or you use another action or reaction with the "mental" type.


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