Technician Profession in Secrets of Sol | World Anvil
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Specialists who completely dedicate themselves to one field of study. Technicians fill a multitude of roles in space and are essential wherever they are. The rise of the Technician is similar to the rise of guild artisans of old. Expertly using their skill in such a way that they spread their name throughout space. Some are master engineers, incredible researchers, or infamous doctors.   A Technician aboard a vessel is always busy, but never tired. It's the drive to push further into their study that makes Technicians so admirable in society. Few Technicians aren't backed by a patron or corporate contract. This class of people is highly sought after by many organizations. The best place to locate a Technician is their guild halls. Technicians are so regularly sought after that they have formed guilds to better their treatment by employers. These guilds also serve to help Technicians learn from one another, often resulting in collectives within the guilds forming.  

Level 1 Breakdown

Class Skills

A Technician's skill set is highly specialized and as a result, receives the following skill increases.
Skill Points
Scholar Skill of your choice +2
Weapon Skill of your choice +2
Social Skill of your choice +1

Path of Study

This is your defining field of study. You have dedicated potential decades to this path.   Choose one of the following Scholar Skills to be your Technician Skill and receive the following feat and tools.
Skill Feat Tools & Supplies
Chemical Corrosive Reaction Lab Tools, 1lb of Lab Materials
Medical Improved Healing Medical Kit, 1lb of Medical Supplies
Physics Wave Finder Lab Tools, 1lb of Lab Materials
Biological Experimental Substance Lab Tools, 1lb of Lab Materials
Engineering Rough Job Engineering Tools, 1lb of Scrap
Tech Wired Mind Datapad
Feats are located on the Feat Breakdown page. Equipment is on the Equipment Page.

Helpful Assistant

With your studies, you received an AI Assistant to keep your notes and to tell you when you've gone a bit too far.   Got to the Equipment List, add an "Assistant AI" to your inventory and add an AI Chassis with the "Simple" type as well. Make sure to name the AI.   Your AI acts independently of you but always obeys your commands. In combat, it takes its turn after yours.   Your AI has the Technical Assist Action in addition to its other actions.  

Technical Assist

Type: Action
As an Action, a target creature within 5ft adds a d4 to their next Skill Roll. This bonus goes away if it is unused by the start of the AI's next turn.  

Moment of Insight

Type: Reaction, Buff
Your experience with your fellow scholars has given you a bit of momentary insight.   As a Reaction after making a roll but before knowing the outcome, you may add your Insight Bonus value to the total of the roll.   Your Insight Bonus increases at higher levels.
Level Insight Bonus Value
1 +2
3 +4
6 +6
8 +8
10 +10
You may perform this reaction a limited number of times per day depending on your level.
Level Number of Uses
1 2
3 3
6 4
9 5


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