The Astral Union Organization in Secrets of Sol | World Anvil
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The Astral Union

The majority of space stations and asteroid colonies have fallen under the Astral Union's banner.


The Union is managed by a series of Ministers who meet to discuss matters outside their space stations. Anything within the individual stations is managed by the leading Minister. It is very rare for there to be laws that are put into place throughout the whole of the Union. The Union's strongest connection is its people's shared struggle.


The culture can differ from station to station depending on its settlers. However, there are connecting cultural norms for the Union as a whole. These connecting factors are mostly based on the shared struggles of living in open Space.

Public Agenda

The Astral Union has a massive focus on the transportation of resources and space mining.


The Astral Union has control over the largest amount of shipyards in all of the Sol System. The number of ships that fly under the Union banner is unknown but the cohesion between each ship is extremely limited, except for the Solar Fleet.

Born in the Stars to die for the Stars

Founding Date
2690 AE
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Drifter Nation, Starland


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