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Grayhaven is the largest, and arguably the greatest, city in the Greenwold, oft-called the Jewel of the West.
The city is overcrowded, busy, filthy, and a cultural and financial hub -- like a mix of the best and worst elements of a medieval London and Victorian-era New York City. It owes its wealth and power to its position on the best port on the Harpy Coast. Ships sail in and out of the large harbor continually bringing trade to the realm. As a result, nearly anything can be found for sale in Grayhaven.   The city is crowded with life (sometimes too much depending on the neighborhood) and is always busy. Some sections like Highstreet are quite nice with large houses and gardens and are well guarded for the city's elite to live comfortably. Other districts like the Waterfront are quite the opposite. Claustrophobic, dirty, and dangerous. Unless one must come or go by boat, newcomers are not recommended to wander these areas for fear of one's purse or even one's life! Most of the districts are like the Market Square, somewhere in between, where most of the citizens live their daily lives. As of the last census, the city boasts over 35,000 souls. Most are human, but there are members of all the other races here as well, most notably dwarves, halflings, elves, and gnomes. The so-called monstrous races are tolerated (barely) and very closely monitored by the city Watch. It is ringed to the East by a great wall with some gates to come and go from. And to the West lies the Great Sea.   The city is ruled over by Queen Sophia Gryffonskye . Though she is but a child, the people are quite in love with her. It is said that she is wise beyond her years and plays an active role in the ruling of the city. Her parents, the former King and Queen, died two years prior in a freak (some say mysterious) carriage accident. By her side is the Duke of Grayhaven, Duke Dain Draymore. By all accounts, he is a stern man, but honorable and good, and holds the wellbeing of the city above all. He is the richest and most powerful person in the city next to the Queen. His lineage and background remain a mystery to the common folk; no-one knows where he comes from. He is not a native, but that’s all anyone will agree upon. The former King appointed Graymore as Duke the same year Sophia was born, and it is spoken that he has not changed much in appearance since then. The Duke's personal crest in a charging ram, which has led many to whisper the man is as stubborn as a goat.   The law and order in the city are usually quite strict. Though in the more rowdy Waterfront and Caravansery districts, there is much lighter presence. But in the civilized areas, which is really the majority of the city, the guards are present and swift in carrying out their duties. The law of the city has them usually ask for a criminal to surrender before they turn to violence, and in the case of minor crimes they can simply fine the criminal on the spot and everyone goes about their business. However, those who refuse to surrender or commit a major crime are dealt with it a harsh and quick manner. The Duke has empowered them to take any measures necessary to keep law and order.   Also of note are the sewers of the city. The city you see is not the only city of Grayhaven. For those with an archaeological mind, the sewers can be a trove of knowledge lost to the ages. The current city of Grayhaven sits atop the ruins of an older Grayhaven that was built over in ages past after it was devastated during the Dragon War. Directly under the city are the normal range of sewers and storm drains, quite cunningly crafted, keeping the city cleaner than it might otherwise be and flood free. Hidden deeper down are the remnants of the old city. These sections of the undercity are mostly unexplored and forgotten, though there are enterprising individuals who can be found to lead excursions to buried wonders such as ancient shrines and crumbling mansions ... for a fee. The sewers can be dangerous as monsters and thieves use them as a home. Rumors persist of a group of scoundrels calling themselves the Lord Mayor’s thieves guild.   One of the best times to visit or live in Grayhaven is during the Queen’s Fair. There are many feast days in Grayhaven, but the Queen’s Fair tops them all. It lasts for an entire week and people come from all over the Greenwold to participate or sell their wares. The festival is in dedication to the first Queen and founder of Grayhaven, Queen Margret, and if you want you’ll be able to see the current Queen at an event or two.  
Port of Grayhaven


Aliases Jewel of the West
Region Western Greenwold
Harpy Coast
Demonym Havenite
Races Human 70%
Dwarves 10%
Elves 10%
Halflings   4%
Gnomes   1%
Other   5%
Test Info 4

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