Hezadura Species in Secrets of the Scarlet Horizon | World Anvil
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Hezadura are physiologically one of the most unique races on the world of Ish'ae. They live to be almost 300 to 400 years old, and undergo significant physical transformations throughout. Born in a larval state, Hezadura younglings are incredibly vulnerable. Thankfully, this portion of their life is short; roughly 5 years. Once a sufficient age, the larval body begins to form a hard cocoon of keratin. They gestate in this cocoon for another year before emerging into a bipedal form known as Kituz. The cocoon that formed along the skin in the larval stage remains as naturally forming plates along the body, and grow with the Kituz form.   For the majority of their lives, Hezadura live as Kituz form. They grow as tall a 3 and half feet tall, with 4 feet being considered "tall". The Hezadura are naturally curious, and are considered by many other races to be peculiar. The workings of a Hezadura's mind are naturally introspective, and as such they often find themselves speaking in what would appear to be non-sequitur to those around them. In point of fact, it's likely the Hezadura was thinking for perhaps weeks or months about a particular subject, and simply had to share their newest insight with those around them. It is because of this manner of "sudden exposition" that the Hezadura developed a form of language, both written and spoken, that was massively complex and specific. The reason being, was to be able to transfer information rich communication quickly and without misunderstanding.   Few understand the Hezadura's' motives for anything they do, but many know of their results. Forming a society around the pursuit of knowledge, Hezadura's have been involved in nearly every great scientific insight throughout history. Furthermore, although many dedicate their life to solitary study, there are a considerably number who go to pursue many fields. To Hezadura society as a whole, this is not considered a waste, so long as it bares some amount of insight or knowledge to use.   As they reach the end of their lives, Hezadura find their once highly mobile Kituz body becoming more rigid and slow. Their plating begins to grow quicker, spreading throughout the body. Soon, the Hezadura is once again encased within a cocoon. This form is referred to as Arataku. In this form, the body's metabolism slows down incredibly, allowing for very little need of food or drink. Additionally, the brain begins to produce a hallucinogenic chemical. It is said, that the Arataku form is one of deep introspection and insight. The Arataku are revered deeply within Hezadura society, as they can fonts of knowledge and insight. Though at times difficult to parse, all Hezadura will stop to listen and record the brief moments of speech that come from the Arataku.

Basic Information


Kituz-Hezadura-Small bipedal. Outward appearance bears some similarity to insect like carapace with plates of hardened keratin. Posses four fingered hands.

Growth Rate & Stages

Hezadura go through three major stages of life, each with it's own morphological changes. For the first five years of life, Hezadura take the form of a "cocoon" like larvae with no discernible limbs. Upon maturing to the Kituz phase, the body expands, as keratin plates shift to allow for extremities to reveal and grow. The Kituz form lasts until the late 300's. As the Hezadura begin to reach extreme age, their keratin plates begin to stiffen and join together. This limits their mobility, eventually leading to extremities become covered, and the keratin body hardening into a singular form. This is the Arataku form. For the remainder of their lives Arataku Hezadura have their metabolism slow dramatically, leading to very little need for much food. Additionally, the brain begins to produce a chemical that provides a mild, and pleasant hallucinatory effect.

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