Venkata Species in Secrets of the Scarlet Horizon | World Anvil
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To the unfamiliar, the Venkata may appear an unlikely race of adventurers. The stout avian people have never let their size hinder their sense of possibility. Bold, perhaps in the extreme, their history is punctuated by all manner of heroic enterprise. Be it a new land, invention, or person, if it falls under the vision of a Venkata it becomes a new avenue to discover.   From the beginning of their history, the Venkata have been defined by moving forward. The small people were often the target of larger predators, as they lacked the flight of their smaller counterparts. For a long time, this lead to a nomadic existence. As the years past, and the Venkata grew in size and power, they grew tired of being left in such a passive state.   To that end the practice of undertaking quests became a right of passage for many youth in Venkata culture. At first, this began in the slaying of the fearsome beasts that once tormented them. In time, this practice evolved into one of more constructive means. A young Venkata's quest could involve the construction of a new building for the city, the search for knowledge, or locating an ancient artifact. This does not mean that the old practice of slaying deadly beasts, or exacting an old vengeance upon a family member is out of the question. To Venkata, the struggle one undertakes to complete the quest can be just as important as the quest itself.   In more day to day matters, Venkata are often seen as boisterous and competitive, through in a friendly way. In any pursuit, a Venkata likes to add a touch of flair. All one must do is walk down the market streets of Bakiaph or Shenadah to see this in action. Venkata merchants of simple wears and foods can often make those products sound like something out of myth.   This exaggerated nature can make a Venkata come off as care free and irreverent It is only too late that someone could discover the truth of the matter. While care free and fun loving when not challenged, a Venkata can often become utterly determined when confronted with a real problem. While they may still keep a comedic and over the top tone, those Venkata will show their focus in action and their unwillingness to quit until the task is complete.

Basic Information


Short, stoutly build avian bipeds. Lack wings, but do posses arms in their stead.

Growth Rate & Stages

Venkata reach maturity around their early 20's, and generally make it to around 120.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Excellent sight, capable of limited vision in total darkness.

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