
The sole moon of Corith Secundus. Due to its heavy terraforming in the Dark Age of Technology and its additional stabilization during the xenos occupation in the Age of Strife, it has developed one of the most hospitable growing climates in the system for crops and its seas teaming with harvestable aquatic life. This has lead it to become the sole food producing world in the Corith system.


Morn's original geography, much like its atmosphere, is unknowable as it is a product of significant and ancient terraforming activity. The geological processes of the moon have gentle tectonic activity for a still molten core and the effect are large swathes of gently rolling plains with sporatic low mountain ranges. Even the oceans seem to be ideally placed to reduce the appearance of deserts and overly saturated areas that minimizes these to only a few select areas.


The artificial climate of Morn has been ideally controlled by the intricate network of terraforming machinery that dots the moon and stays seasonally constant with warm summers and mild winters. This has also contributed to the flora and fauna of the moon being largely not overtly dangerous and easily controlled. Much of the planet is a temperate plain that when not actively farmed or grazed are left to fallow with the understanding that the industrial farming efforts rotate to these locations about every 100 years in order to maintain soil enrichment.
Affiliation: Imperium   Type: Agri World   Lunar Radius: 1261 km   Gravity: 9.2 m/s2   Temperature / Climate: 31 C' to 28-C'/ Lagerst Biome: Temperate Plains   Population: 38,650,000   Planetary Governor: Benuel Stoltzfus   Planetary Body: Corith Secundus   System: Corith System   Sub-sector: Seelen Stream   Sector: Spartus   Segmentum: Tempestus   Tithe Grade: Solutio Extremis
Planetoid / Moon