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City on Tar Seel.  

Shelter from the Tundra

Like many other settlements on Tar Seel, Ka'Chee revolves around two things:
  1. Mining the planet's rich resources.
  2. Providing a refuge from the deadly cold of its tundra surface.
  The vast majority of the city lies underground, with only docks and some warehouses on the surface. There are multiple airlocks between the exterior and interior of the city to protect the inhabitants and crucial life-support systems from the cold.  

Capital of Riches

Tar Seel as a planet is not "owned" or aligned to any one group. Instead, its settlements were built by corporations looking to mine or make money off of miners by providing housing, supplies, and entertainment. However, Ka'Chee is considered the capital of the planet. This is largely because it was built first, has grown the biggest, and is in a protected location that is, compared to the rest of the planet, relatively easy to approach with ships.   The mines of Ka'Chee have made many people extremely rich however, almost none of this wealth has stayed in the city and it has a reputation for being a slum. The city is characterised as follows:
  • Too warm and humid. The city's airlocks do a good job of keeping out the cold and combined with overpopulation of the subterranean city the temperature and humidity controllers can't keep up.
  • Dirty. Ka'Chee's mines connect directly to the city itself and the life support systems and inhabitants drag dirt everywhere. Cleaning crews work round the clock, fighting a losing battle.
  • Polluted. Although there are air filtration systems in place to try and remove the fumes from mining equipment, transportation, and daily life, these often become clogged with dirt, reducing their efficiency. Ka'Chee is known for respiratory illnesses similar to the black lung and many inhabitants wear masks and respirators at all times.
  • Utilitarian. Ka'Chee was built for practicality, not aesthetics. The city is predominantly made out of the same utilitarian, hardy grey metal with few decorations.


Ka'Chee is nestled in a valley in the expansive Luhep mountain range. It is surrounded by mountains on all sides, which offers a degree of protection from Tar Seel's cutting winds. However, its position amongst the mountains combined with Ka'Chee's position near the planet's southern pole means the city gets very little sunlight for large portions of the Tar Seeli year. As the below-freezing temperatures have forced Ka'Chee to be a predominantly underground city, the lack of sunlight is not immediately missed by residents. However, it does mean that people and ships travelling to and from Ka'Chee need to be mindful of the darkness and the even deeper cold it brings.

Natural Resources

Tar Seel, but particularly the area around Ka'Chee is blessed with rich metal deposits. Otherwise rare metals can be found in abundance for any who are brave enough and resourceful enough to break the planet's tough and frozen surface.


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