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A technology used on the planet Muriusgi.  

Planet of Decay

Muriusgi is colloquially known as "the planet of decay". Harsh acid rain and rampant fungi consume the world, leaving very little plant life on its surface and making it dangerous and uninhabitable to almost anyone other than its native species, the Mugi.  

Capitvated by Death

Interstellar scientific communities have long been fascinated by Muriusgi's biome and it's hostility to other organic life. The research has propelled medicine development after unique active ingredients were found in the fungi. This raised the planet's profile and soon after, adventure and travel shows began visiting and broadcasting the planet of decay to the galaxy.   Historically, the average tourist did not share the same enthusiasm — acid rain and man-eating fungi does not exactly make for a relaxing holiday — but slowly, this perception has begun to change. The galaxy has become obsessed with Muriusgi's deadly nature and the general idea of it being the planet of decay.   Demand for trips to Muriusgi quickly spiked, leaving the local government to scramble to prepare and create laws, guides, and protections for tourists. However, it did not change the fact that the planet was a dangerous place for most species. Another difficult factor that had to change was that Muriusgi had never dealt with many tourists and many locals did not want to change anything to accommodate tourists. This idea lost to capatilism and work began on a new technology to shield tourists from the most dangerous features of the planet.  

Halting Natural Selection

Seiliu is a protective energy field created specifically for the purpose of protecting tourists from Muriusgi's acid rain, toxic spores, and dangerous fungi. It is used to pave and cover walkways in common tourist areas. Rain hitting the energy field causes it to light up when it touches and runs down the sides, almost a tourist attraction in itself. Many locals dislike the technology, calling it an eyesore and feeling that it removes important aspects of the planet.


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