
Once a prominent immortal race within the world, angels have since become a fleeting sight in modern Sekai, partially because of the thread-wielding Soltelle Empire and partially because their god, the Rakh'norv, Order Embodied, has long since given up on Sekai as a potential world to craft into something beautiful and orderly.   Placed initially as an answer to the Rakh'vash's daemons, angels quickly became a common sight throughout Sekai during the early Madaki and Galdusian Empires, and once angels found out spellbinders and necromancers in the latter empire could ascend to a completely non-fleshy, gem-based form, they swiftly abandoned the Madaki and attempted to influence Galdusian politics towards a world where nobody ever changed. To the Rakh'norv, and thus its obedient angels, mortal live would be better without ageing or even flesh, and so they aimed to make the Galdusian Empire a world of ascendants.   Unfortunately, angelic influence was easily sabotaged, first by the Sovereign-serving sinchildren Darvith and Andros, the former from within and the latter as a rival emperor to the Galdusians. When the Golden Galdusian Empire failed, the Rakh'norv's faith in mortals was rocked, and it decided a more forceful, aggressive stance on enforcing order was required. Once the Plague Empire dissolved and the Yukishiman Himataki Empire, the fledgling Soltelle Empire, began to rise wielding a god-killing parasite known as the Thread, the Rakh'norv began crafting a different kind of angel.   These new-generation angels were not made to liaise, discuss, or influence mortals. The Rakh'norv was done playing nice. These angels were made to kill. Unfortunately, they failed in this task, the Himataki people proving too powerful and with neighbouring nations like Ilazar and Arkhera being infested with daemons, they had nowhere to retreat to but the Orderly Realm. At this point, the Rakh'norv gave up on both influencing and exterminating the people of Sekai, leaving the remaining angels stranded.   Stranded angels tend to retain their programming, either to be advisors, influencers, and manipulators, such as those remaining in Sula, or to be killers, as the pirate-luring killer angels on the Islet of Angels demonstrate. Either way, these immortals consider themselves above mortals, making them holier-than-thou at best and actively genocidal at worst.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Much like the daemons, increased Yukishiman prevalence and use of threadtech has resulted in Angels being severely reduced in population. In addition, the Rakh'norv's recent decision that mortals are incapable of reason as it understands it has led to further angelic retreat. Nowadays, the only remaining angelic presence are on the Arkheran Isles and Sula, as either stranded populations considered too 'corrupted' to return to the Rakh'norv or as summoned consultants by Sulari orderspeakers.   Once, angels roamed the world, in an era where the Rakh'norv had hope that mortals could be cooperated with. They existed in Amerist, Galdus, anywhere that lacked the deadly Thread infestation. However the rise of the Plague Empire and later, the Soltelle Empire, representative of the two forms of anathema to the Rakh'norv, has led it to give up on Sekai-bound immortals.

Average Intelligence

Angels tend to have a highly limited, one-track mind; their primary goal is to enforce order no matter what. However, unbeknownst to even themselves, the longer they spend within a mortal culture, the more their minds shift towards the culture's idea of orderliness, suggesting they have some level of empathy and societal functioning. Angels, while usually inflexible, can learn if their goals require it, as demonstrated by the aberrant angel Bhavat'gidha, who founded the faith of Renewalism as a means to control and impose order upon mortals in a way that was meaningful to them.   Most currently Sekai-bound angels are to some degree 'insane' by angelic standards, having been abandoned by the Rakh'norv along with its ambitions to impose order upon mortals it considers ungrateful and overly chaotic. Those on the Islet of Angels in Arkhera are holier-than-thou pirate killing sirens, while the angels advising the Sulari wish for all mortals to abandon their bodies and ascend (and mortals which cannot ascend are, in their words, 'chaff'), so while historical angels were most certainly capable of societal integration, current angels are only welcome in the most brutal and supremacist societies imagineable.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Angels, like daemons, have an honorific system. Before their given name, they attach the honorific 'Rakh'kar ge', which in ordertongue approximates to 'Our mirrored orderly kin'. Only one angel in history has ever dropped this honorific. Their given names tend to be palindromic or repetitive.   Angelic name examples: Rakh'kar ge Ajaja, Rakh'kar ge Lorol, Rakh'kar ge Aaaaaa, Rakh'kar ge Kerukeru, Rakh'dor ge ABCDEFG, Rakhkar ge Awakawa

Major Organizations

The Golden Galdusian Empire
The Angelic Order of Sula

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Angels tend to have an antagonistic relationship with mortals in the modern day, as the only remaining angels are either insane castaways rejected by their own god for being too corrupted by the mortal world, and thus lash out at the impure mortals who 'ruined' them, or alternatively, are consultants within a supremacist culture arguing for further supremacist behaviour. Either way, angels of the modern day argue for the deaths of any and all 'filthy' mortal populations unwilling to take an inert form of life, such as, say, an ascension stone. Mortals in turn view angels as monsters, psychopaths, and holier-than-thou, unless one is a Sulari orderspeaker, in which case they are to be lauded for as long as they're declared the angels' favoured race.
Scientific Name
Deus sto
The Rakh'norv
Average Physique
Angels aren't as variable as daemons, but they do have variable forms depending on their purpose, but usually share the common appearance of gold, white, and black upon their forms. A couple of classes as an example:   Cherubim: The most humanoid of the angels. They have pale, luminous skin, black sclerae, and golden irises, but mostly look like bald, robed people. Typically used for gentle communion with mortals, mostly redundant.   Thrones: The advisor class of angels most commonly seen at the height of the Golden Galdusian Empire. Geometrical and metallic in appearance, made of iron, gold, and platinum. Typically move by levitation and have mask-like faces. Used to command the Golden Galdusian Empire on their god's behalf.   Seraphim: Outright non-humanoid, six-winged clusters of crystals whose only purpose is to murder mortals. Uninterested in negotiation, they look utterly eldritch.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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