
Blue Archmage Naraxa (a.k.a. Aor'kirin, 'raxa, 'kirin, Aor'fahktoy, Dalla)

Born to an unknown dark elf in the Flowerfields, all that Naraxa knows about her parents is that, plainly, they didn't want her around. She was abandoned at the Blooming Hope orphanage as an infant, left to be named by the staff as Naraxa. She would grow up mostly indifferent to her circumstances, not exactly processing that perpetually jostling for attention and social influence wasn't exactly an ordinary familial situation.   However, the tales from orphans that had once known families eventually piqued Naraxa's interest enough that she decided that, at the very least, she wanted a dad at some point. Her best friend at the orphanage, Amerax, was slightly older than her, and would regularly tell Naraxa stories about how she'd sneak out to kiss older men and that she'd 'done it', whatever that meant, with fifty guys. When asked what this 'it' was, Amerax would be vague, but Naraxa from that point knew two things: She wanted a dad, and she wanted to 'do it'.   As such, she devoted herself more openly to finding a foster family, and appeared to hit the jackpot with a rich dark elven man named Dalmarax. He was, according to himself, lonely, with a vast fortune from liquor-brewing but nobody save his staff to share it with. He claimed he wanted an unfortunate girl to spoil with his wealth, and a fourteen-year-old Naraxa jumped at the opportunity. Initially, it was an incredible reversal of fortune: She had what appeared to be an exceptionally kind father, and furthermore, after years of envying Amerax's beauty and figure, she was gifted the same pretty dresses that Dalmarax's maid staff wore.   Dalmarax did, however, have a couple of ground rules. The first was to never visit the attic unaccompanied, and the second was that if visitors were to ask, she was a member of the maid staff and nothing more. In addition, he'd occasionally slip up and call her 'Dalla' by mistake, but whenever he was asked about who Dalla was, he would abruptly change the subject. There was also the matter of his compliments, which often revolved around how lucky a man would be to kiss Naraxa. Still, for all his oddities, Naraxa was comfortable as a recently-made rich girl who received all the compliments she'd once associated with her pretty best friend, and one night, she would get her first taste of wine.   She and Dalmarax would drink together until their inhibitions were non-existent, and from there, the rich man made good on his excessive compliments. He kissed her and then some, and, as a drunk, attention-craving, insecure girl who wanted to feel attractive to anyone, Naraxa fully reciprocated. They would share each other's beds with regularity from there on out, with Naraxa even accepting the name 'Dalla' just to please her adoptive-father-turned-lover. She didn't stop to consider the age difference or the power imbalance; to her, this was what true love was like.   Then Dalmarax visited the Kazaros Floral Exhibit and never returned. Rumours amongst the staff claimed he'd wandered into the city's castle with Lady Gelth's teenaged younger sister, Elrax, but Naraxa desperately clung to to the notion that he wouldn't have been lured away by another girl; after all, she was the only girl for him. Then a woman named Muraxa, and her daughter, Dalla, arrived on Dalmarax's estate, and the truth became clear.   Dalmarax had a family after all, but his wife had noticed his disturbing predilections, and opted to abandon him. However, now that he was dead, she was apparently more than happy to claim his wealth for herself. The maid staff were quick to single Naraxa out, and Muraxa would treat Naraxa as a whore her wayward husband hired. Naraxa begged to stay as a maid, as anything that didn't force her back to the orphanage, but she didn't convince her.   Once she returned to the orphanage, Amerax had already found a happy home with a florist, and so she was friendless and the subject of mockery until her sixteenth year, when she was ejected onto the streets. She, like every hard-done-by citizen of the Flowerfields, knew that the homeless were prone to disappearing within a month of being on the streets, and as she'd endured countless aspersions about her sexual history, she had a loathsome self-image.   Figuring that anything was better than the streets, she found work at the Blossoming Bud, a cabaret bar that specialised in pole-dancing, young-looking elven girls. Owing to her exceptionally youthful figure and looks, she was quick to get the job, and soon found a niche as a witty, snide pole dancer who would insult the patrons for their predilections while simultaneously indulging them. Over the course of her work, she'd become addicted to liquid shade; the stimulant would perk her up for a life she felt would never take her anywhere.   Two years would pass before she would meet the man that would change her life forever: Orange Archmage Chen'razghul, or, as far as she knew, some strange goblinese clown in a torn cloak drowning himself in mead and staring at her flat chest. While the bizarre goblin was hardly a looker (he had a broken nose, missing teeth, and missing hair in places) she'd always been somewhat refreshed by his race, as they saw her as an adult as opposed to her fellow elves, owing to female goblins' lack of breasts. When she retired to her room post-performance, she would receive the less-than-surprising news from her pimp, Varyx, that the strange clown wanted to have her for the night. However, once the pair were alone, he didn't so much as lay a hand on her.   Instead, he would detail the perks of being in the Order, the most attractive to her being the provision of near-infinite vials of liquid shade. Despite her aggressive flirtation, Chen'razghul would kidnap her via shadewarp, giving her little beyond a few begrudging acknowledgements of lust. From there, she'd be initiated into the Order of the Shade, the trials revealing something important; she had strong antimagical powers and a decent head on her shoulders despite the addiction and low self-esteem.   Despite numerous attempts to detach himself from her, Naraxa, now Blue Acolyte Aor'kirin, would insist upon Chen'razghul's company, and eventually, he would become her personal mentor. While he couldn't help her channel her elf-exclusive antimagic (who she would acquire mentors for using her body), he was exceptional at building her fitness, along with teaching her how to shoot, climb, and brawl. His efforts allowed her to climb to the position of expert with exceptional speed, and by the time she was twenty, a member of the Order for a mere two years, she decided to make her move to become archmage.   Instead of challenging Blue Archmage Aor'merath to a duel to the death as per Order policy, she told him the absolutely crucial information that Chen'razghul, her mentor, really enjoyed looking at her body. Seeing an opportunity to cuckold a subordinate archmage who had regularly mocked him, the ever self-important Aor'merath decided to sleep with his expert. From there, all it took was a smuggled knife applied to the correct areas and the blue archmage was dead.   While her ascension was initially contested, the votes of Chen'razghul, Mid'seran, and Ran'galchen ultimately rendered her unorthodox usurpation legitimate, and from here on out, Blue Archmage Aor'kirin would conduct her matters in a bizarre manner. She would become mostly unseen, running the blue division through notes, magitech PA systems and obfuscated, disembodied voices, all while finding out what lower ranking acolytes are truly thinking by adopting the persona of Acolyte Aor'fahktoy, the perpetually low-ranking, unambitious, promiscuous slacker.   And for two years, this is how she's conducted matters as an archmage. She's generally seen as one of the least professional archmages by her fellows, but Chen'razghul regards her with exceptional affection, especially given his usual numb, hollow affect. She has recently volunteered to be a living arcanometer in an archmage-led investigation of some magical phenomena in the Scorchpeaks, however, so who knows what her future holds...

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Naraxa is short by her race's standards, and even considering the generally youthful appearances of elves, she looks especially young for her age. She can easily pass for thirteen, and in her old line of work, this was something she capitalised on. Her hair is jet-black and messy by default, though sometimes she opts to tie it up in long twin-tails. Her eyes are blood-red and notably wide, while her tongue is purple from excessive liquid shade consumption.   She tends to wear vandalised Order-standard blue division robes. These vandalisms, generally spattered in black paint, can be anything from labeling where various 'points of interest' on her body are, to mocking the Order's overall framework and up-tight nature. As she is never seen by lower ranking acolytes acting as archmage, this defiance is allowed. As Aor'fahktoy, she wears a regular blue division robe, albeit shortened to emphasise her legs.


Contacts & Relations

Red Archmage Ark'golom (subordinate)
Orange Archmage Chen'razghul (subordinate, close friend)
Yellow Archmage Kir'selai (subordinate, crush)
Green Archmage Mid'seran (technically a subordinate)
Blue Archmage Aor'merath (one-time lover and predecessor)
Indigo Archmage Ran'galchen (superior, intense crush)
Purple Archmage Mar'goritz (superior and target of uncomfortable flirting)
Grand Witch Yal'queran (boss)
Lady Gelth Kazaros (object of resentment)
'Papa' Varyx (former boss/pimp/lover)

Family Ties

Religious Views

Naraxa doesn't believe in any invested, kind higher powers. While she's certain gods exist if only because of her regular exposure to the chaos-speaker that is Grand Witch Yal'queran, she feels no obligation to worship anything or anyone.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Blue Archmage of the Order of the Shade
Year of Birth
529 AGA 22 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Abandoned at an orphanage
The Flowerfields
Parents (Adopting)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark brown, verging on charcoal
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common Tongue
Jaranese (semi-fluent)
Old Galdusian (semi-fluent)


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