
Beautiful and in tune with nature, beastmasters are the rarest humanoid species on the planet. Mostly restricted to the Iron Hills and the Isle of Wor'ghan, both in the Arkheran Isles, these humanoids can use magic to influence the minds of animals, usually only within a given 'type'. The race is one of the three native Arkheran species, and have repeatedly undergone enslavement and subjugation from settlers and conquerors.   There are two main kinds of beastmasterly magic: Empathy and Possession. The former involves mere mental suggestion to facilitate easier and genuine friendships with animals, often using mental magic to simulate the presence of pheromones that calm and appeal to beasts. If this magic were to suddenly fail, the beast would not forget its bond with the user, and would likely stay loyal, if a little more confused by their master's commands. Certain mentally strong beasts, such as ogres, can only be controlled through this means.   Possession, however, is a dark magic that forces control over animals. In some cases, like regarding insect or arachnid control, this is the only means of control available. The animal loses its awareness and can be directly controlled to perform all manner of behaviours it would never normally perform, allowing for extremely versatile uses, such as spider silk farming, fused-together worm men who can fight as though humanoid, and ant infiltration of urban spaces. However, if a possessor's magic fails, then the animal(s) will likely be enraged at the possessor and attack them.   The most concentrated population of beastmasters is on the Isle of Wor'ghan, where they serve a daemon named Rakh'dor ge Maman in exchange for his unwavering protection. Old Squidbeard, as he's known by pirates, is a fierce friend and a fiercer enemy, so while mainlander beastmasters are generally considered a quaint curiosity, Wor'ghanese beastmasters are generally avoided, lest they be harmed and invoke the wrath of their daemonic protector.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Beastmasters are exceedingly pretty, and as such look similar regardless of sex, facially. They have slightly pointed ears, just like seers.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Beastmasters are endemic to the Arkheran Isles, with their most concentrated population being on the western Isle of Wor'ghan, protected by the island's daemonic god-king, Rakh'dor ge Maman.

Average Intelligence

Beastmasters are sentient, however, beastmasters who spend sufficient time within their beast's bodies can start to exhibit feral or animalistic behaviours, such as spidermasters that feel comfortable surrounded by webbing, beemasters who get neurotic without company, and shadowcatmasters who take to stalking people.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Beastmasters have a disparate, inconsistent means of naming their children, often varying from tribe to tribe, usually cribbing their names from one of the many cultures that historically dominated them. Some names are Galdusian-sounding, others Ilazari, others Old Orcish, others still elven-sounding. Generally their names are somewhat related to their lineage's preferred animal.   Male name examples: Yog'nahal, Kankrus, Worgen, Maz'darik, Krexus, Morgan.
Female name examples: Faye, Woraga, Sul'nuthad, Yarachne, Umbria, Mez'nazar.

Major Organizations

Ogretamers of the Iron Hills (Arkhera)
Creepmasters of the Iron Hills (Arkhera)
The Apiarists' Guild (Arkhera)
Yellow Division of the Order of the Shade (Arkhera)
Cult of Maman (Isle of Wor'ghan)

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Beastmasters have rarely been at a point in history where they weren't downtrodden by some other species. First it was the orcs and seers, then the Galdusians, then the Ilazari, then elves, humans, if a race was enslaving in Arkhera, beastmasters were the first to be subjugated. As such, united beastmaster culture doesn't exist outside of the Isle of Wor'ghan, as beastmaster identity has been blended into a multicultural soup of their various rulers/oppressors.   As such, beastmasters often prefer to stay within their own. On the Isle of Wor'ghan, the beastmaster population is united under the Cult of Maman, which worship the daemonic steward-god, Rakh'dor ge Maman. The daemon, having equal fondness for beastmasters as people and food, conditionally protects the isle from elven pirates and raiders provided they regularly offer their sick and wounded, as well as all dead, to Maman. Some former pirates have established a lawless trading port on the isle, which the daemon allows, on the condition that not one hair on a beastmaster's head is harmed. Despite their immunity, Wor'ghanese beastmasters distrust and despise outlanders.
Scientific Name
Homo domitoris
Kakajuan Humanoid
60-90 years.
Average Height
4'5'' to 5'6''
Average Physique
Beastmasters, like their cousins, the seers, are diminutive and dainty in form. If they build muscle, they tone, rather than bulk up. They do have distinct sexual dimorphism in figure, however, as beastmistresses have curves.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Beastmaster skin can range from white to brown, and while not as striking as seers, beastmaster eyes are notably light, generally cyan or pale lilac.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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