Elrax Kazaros

Elrax Kazaros (a.k.a. Ellie)

Gloom and death obsession plague Elrax Kazaros's daily life. She's not necessarily suicidal, but due to her impressively ruinous life, she's come to believe that death is the ultimate form of mercy, and that life is, in a way, a self-perpetuating curse on those who experience it. She grew up as the baby sister of Gelth Kazaros, a young woman twelve years her senior.   Her mother, Lady Girella, was a powerful if obsessive woman who adored to torture and make love to her husband, but always made sure to keep her matters away from Elrax as a child, though Gelth had already grown curious and asked her mother about her specific take on the birds and the bees. When Lord Consort Irigax died mid-coitus and the mad-with-grief Girella followed soon after, Elrax's nineteen-year-old sister became lady and wasted no time taking inspiration from her mother.   She cancelled her own betrothal to Solyx Solerro and eagerly began performing her mother's last tryst upon every commoner she deemed attractive. Elrax didn't understand much as a prepubescent child, only knowing Gelth enjoyed having guests over precisely once, sometimes the guards had to hold them still, and that twice, it resulted in Gelth becoming pregnant. Once she had her first blood, however, Gelth was quick to include Elrax in her games the moment she recovered from birthing her second bastard, considering it educational and a family tradition.   Elrax would grow to associate nude men with unimaginable horrors; flayed skin, acid burns, and unanaesthetised surgery being the least of the experiences. As such, she associated death with a merciful end to monstrous suffering, as well as losing all attraction to men despite once expressing a desire to marry her cousin Irikhos. When Gelth later attempted to arrange a marriage between them, Irikhos feigned an uppity rejection to spare Elrax the consequences of letting her sister down. This has earned Irikhos a place as Elrax's favourite cousin, despite his older sister's general compassion.   Making matters worse, as she continued participating in Gelth's twisted games, her older sister began to remark on her eldest bastard's changing body, and when Gelax was only twelve, she was brought into the fold, such as it was. Elrax was twenty at the time, and though an adult, years of being Gelth's slave led to her passively allowing Gelax to become involved. Later, in secret, the old goblinese wisdom, Helagg, who'd served so long he'd worked for Elrax's grandmother, Valatha, and told her that while it made him hypocritical, he was disappointed in her for not protecting her niece.   This guilt he'd slung with crippling precision led to Elrax having a minor breakdown. She sought solace and absolution in all places; religion, charity work, and random acts of kindness, but nothing appeared to work. One day, however, she decided to take an interest in her youngest niece, Magaral's harp-playing. She knew that her cousin Mor'kha doted on her and encouraged her interest in music, but little else. She would spend the day with her, and then another day, and another, becoming obsessed with the girl's innocence while observing her eldest niece, Gelax, falling further and further into a dark pit of despair. Consciously or unconsciously, she would write Gelax off as unable to be saved, while focusing her efforts on protecting Magaral's innocence.   Unfortunately, obsessing over innocence eventually manifested in an unexpected return in her libido once Magaral showed signs of pubescence. To her horror she realised she had paedophilic urges, and worse still, for her own niece. At first she suppressed them, then eventually found a coping mechanism in the form of the morally-dubious Blossoming Bud, a cabaret club whose girls had a condition exclusive to dark elves, which cause their bodies to appear short and barely-pubescent for much of their adult life.   This enabled her to briefly satisfy and quell her desires, while still sticking to her goal of protecting Magaral. With the help of her cousins' friendship, her temple's confessional, and Wisdom Helagg, when Magaral had her first blood, Elrax found the gumption to protect her from her mother. She did it in a way which made Gelth amused, that is, pointing out Magaral's apparent soft-headedness and therefore unsuitability for sex, but also inadvertantly gave signs of attraction to her.   Gelth therefore largely appears to be holding off on including Magaral in her games largely as a sadistic experiment; she wants to savour the moment that to her is all but inevitable; the day Elrax's attractions betray her protectorate. Once Elrax gives in, she presumes, Gelth will have a valid argument for Magaral being ready for the 'family trade'.   Elrax, however, knows this is Gelth's ultimate plan. Ironically enough, this knowledge is the final piece of the puzzle for Elrax in finding her backbone. After all, if she holds back her urges and quells them with consenting, adult women while staying platonically close to Magaral as a loving aunt should, she will be able to prove her sister, her first and most persistent abuser, wrong.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Elrax Kazaros is a somewhat tall woman with wavy golden hair and golden eyes along with a relatively full figure for a dark elf, much like her sister. She also bears the stereotypical straight-bridged Kazaros nose, and is left-handed. She wears a black corset with red trimming and an ankle-length skirt, covered over with a black cloak intended to resemble the pantheistic god, the Harvester. She tends to carry a large, ornamental scythe with her for additional effect.


Contacts & Relations

Wisdom Helagg (tutor, confidant)
Naraxa of the Flowerfields (favourite cabaret dancer, crush)
Ascetic Amon (religious guide)

Family Ties

Religious Views

Elrax is an Arkheran Pantheist who mildly believes in the Hexacron Six, though she doesn't care if others believe differently. Her patron god is the Harvester, owing to her constant torturing stints at her sister's behest making her associate death with an end to suffering. She regularly leaves offerings to the Harvester at her local temple.
True Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
528 AGA 23 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
The Flowerfields
Current Residence
The Flowerfields
Golden Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brownish Black
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common Tongue
Old Galdusian
Madaki (Basic)


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